It's You [Dance]

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There was one thing Adrien hated to do, and that was to repeat himself. Whether it be words or actions, or what he did day to day in his life. The tight routine Gabriel had kept him on made him start to despise the same thing happening over and over again. Yet here he is, once again repeating something that the world likes to throw at him. Sheer bad luck.

He hated, hated, a couple of models he worked with. He hated their personalities, the way they messed around with him, lied to him, groped him, made deals with his father over him, but most of all, he hated how to them he was just a 'thing', nothing more than a face and body. None of them cared about him, just what they could get from him.

The models who caused him the most issues seemed to find him no matter where he went or what he did and, just his luck,one of those girls managed to find him tonight - to find him and cling onto him like a limpet. To make matters worse, she was currently pressing herself into his body, dancing in a very unlady-like way and making him feel increasingly uncomfortable.

Jason had cheered him on, after all Lila Rossi was a beautiful girl. Her long brown hair sat perfectly mid back, and her body was 'model perfect'; skinny, with no muscle tone or interesting curves, and her face was that of a doll, but she was no Marinette, and the more Lila rubbed up against him, the more he felt like he was cheating. God, he missed her. It had only been a couple of days but he missed the easy chatter which fell between them, the constant texting and the strength he felt when she was near.

But was it cheating if you weren't even dating? If the girl was dating another guy?

Lila turned around, moving backwards and pressing her back into his chest. Man, he wanted to get out of here.He knew his face was reading discomfort, but everytime he sought relief in Jason, the guy's eyebrows would just wiggle and he'd pout his lips at him.

Dear Lord, did Jason think he should kiss Lila? Could he not tell the unease on his face?

The song they were dancing to had lowered to its ending, and a new one was beginning to mix into the end beat, this was his cue, his chance to finally escape . "I'm going to the toilet," Adrien shouted down into Lila's ear, not wanting to get too close in case she tried something. She'd done it before, at the last summer photoshoot for 'Gabriel'. Her lips had attempted to seek any part of his face to connect with, and an unwelcome shiver ran down his spine as he remembered the unwanted advance.

Lila turned to face him again, and wrapped her hands around his neck pulling him down. She placed her lips on his cheek and knew his face had morphed into something ... disgust, horror ... he wasn't sure, but what he was sure about was he needed to escape and quickly.

Grasping her arms to unlock them from his neck, he pulled them away and placed them by her sides, framing the too short dress she was wearing and backing away like a stealth pilot before heading towards the restrooms.

He prayed that she wasn't following him and he was too afraid to turn around and see. He kept his eyes solely on his destination, wondering if there was a way he could get out of this place and run home.


Marinette couldn't believe she'd been dragged out ... again!
Her budget definitely didn't cover this, and she had an early shift at the café the following day. Plus the dress she was wearing was cute but not entirely functional, especially in the weather they were currently facing. Adding to the fact, she had forgotten to put on a coat.

Woe is her life.

She took her phone out of her pocket for the umteenth time, checking to see if there was any reply from Adrien.

She'd sent him a message in the Uber, apparently they were bringing out some new flavour M&M's ... peanut butter or something like that, and she had hoped that the addition to the M&M range might respark a little of their (suddenly) none existent relationship.

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