Who the Fu are you? [Buttercup]

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When Marinette met with Emilié Agreste she couldn't explain the relief she felt when she'd been told she would be interning under her. If she had to work under Adrien for the next nine months she thought she might spontaneously combust. Just one look at him and her heart began beating a serenade of love songs rather than a regular beat.

She just couldn't control herself.

Marinette was still on a high from her conversation with Adrien, and even through Avery's digs nothing could wipe the smile off her face. Adrien had asked her out on a date.

Okay, maybe not a date date but he definitely wanted to take her out next week, to celebrate the internship at 'Gabriel'.

Interning at 'Gabriel', oh dear, that was a whole other can of worms. She would be interning at the top fashion house in Paris underneath her idol, this just didn't seem real, it was like she was living another life.

She made her way back to her apartment in an absolute trance. Her life seemed to be getting more and more interesting by the minute and she couldn't believe this was happening to her. Marinette - the clumsy, unsure, innocent girl from central Paris.

Perhaps good things do come to those who work hard.

Making her way to a cross road, Marinette stood waiting for the lights to change allowing her to cross. Her phone rang in her pocket, and she pulled it out to see who was messaging her only to be distracted by the old man suddenly walking across the road.

She looked up at the lights only to see that the crossing signal was firmly on red. The green man was most certainly not giving the signal to walk.

Putting the phone in the back pocket of her jeans, she looked up and down the road only to see there were two cars making their way towards the crossing, neither with the intention of stopping.

She needed to make a decision and quickly.

Taking a deep breath, Marinette ran into the road and grabbed hold of the man, pulling him to safety and tripping herself up in the process.

"Are you okay?" She stood up feeling the sting on her knees as she straightened them, they were most likely cut, but she'd sort that out later.

The signal began to bleep, alerting the pedestrians that it was now safe to cross. That she could continue on her way. Looking over her shoulder, Marinette noticed the walking stick the man had with him was laying across the middle of the road. She couldn't just leave this poor man alone without his cane.

"I'll be right back," she said, running into the middle of the road grabbing the cane and running back. "Here." She handed it back to the obviously shaken man and searched her bag for her bottle of water.

Finally locating what she needed, she handed it over to the man only for him to push it straight back to her.

"Thank you, but I'm okay." He was short, and, as Marinette noticed, had a serious lack of fashion sense. He was wearing a red Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants, which made no sense with the harsh autumn weather.

"Do you need help getting home?" She reached for her pocket to grab her phone only to realise it was missing, Looking again into the middle of the now moving traffic she could see it ... screen shattered into a hundred pieces. Damn! Turning her attention back to the man she plastered on a fake smile. That was an expense she hadn't budgeted into her funds.

"I'm fine, thank you for your help, and sorry about that." He pointed the cane into the direction of the smashed phone.

"Don't worry about it," she replied quickly, plastering a fake smile on her face, "better a phone smashed than you."

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