Riposte [First Date]

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Adrien dived forward, pulling Ladybug into his body and rolling them across the floor.

"Ow!" The blonde model said, sitting up and clutching a hold on his ankle.

"Are you okay?" She asked, unhooking her yo-yo back off her hip and spinning it in front of them. Her stance was defensive in case their latest akuma came after them. She couldn't believe how something so strange had already become second nature to her. It wasn't like she had a hidden talent for yo-yo tricks, yet her moves were already smooth and slick.

"Yeah, I've just twigged it." Adrien tried to stand up, testing the weight bearing on his newly damaged ankle. It seemed nothing was severely harmed but he wouldn't be surprised if it swelled later, worst comes to worst he'd have a little bruising.

"I've got to say, Agreste, you're doing well. Two for two on the akuma's."

Adrien rolled his eyes at Ladybug, "Well, Bug, aren't you just a comedian today."

"It makes a change from it being you. Now go and find a place to transform, I need you."

"You need me! Awww that's just the sweetest thing you've ever said." He fluttered his eyelashes at her, his lips creating the most adorable pout which would be distracting if someone wasn't trying to kill them.

Ladybug rolled her eyes, turning the attention back to the Akuma, aka Riposte.

Riposte seemed to have it in for Adrien Agreste, calling him out and wanting him to pay. First thoughts were her partner had taken a freebie and the manager wasn't happy, however, after careful consideration, Marinette had guessed that it had something to do with the pretty fencer he'd been practising with earlier that day. The one there when she'd jumped into the conversation.

Although he said she wasn't interrupting anything between the two of them, the poisonous look she'd received from the girl was an indication that 'yes' Marinette had most certainly interrupted something. She'd scrammed out there as fast as possible. Not wanting to be a reason for ... well ... this.

"What did you do anyway?" Ladybug asked, picking Adrien up and swinging him onto an abandoned rooftop. It was obvious the conversation the two fencers were having was the catalyst to this event.

"She wanted to start things up again -"

"She's your ex?" Ladybug asked in shock. He'd only ever mentioned he'd been with someone in passing, there had never been a description of the girl, or any details about where he'd met her. She had zero ideas about his past.

So to find out Adrien was still actively around his ex came as a bit of a shock. Neither pleasant nor unpleasant... just a little confusing. Why wouldn't he have told her?

"Claws out," a flash of green replaced Adrien with Chat Noir and the two started their next advancement to find and free Kagami.

"Are you jealous?" Chat Noir asked, an amused smile on his face.

"Not jealous," she said, "just curious."

"Well we went on a couple of dates as teens, both have overbearing parents and it was nice." Chat Noir twisted in the air, moving away from the latest attack. They were both still coming to terms with their superhero powers but neither would deny how awesome it was to pull stunts like this - Adrien especially.

Taking a running leap, Ladybug flipped into the air completing a double somersault before landing and throwing her yo-yo to the nearby building.

"That was hot!" Chat said, chasing after her with an extension of his baton.

"Less looking more doing, Kitty Cat."

They made their way towards the Louvre, Riposte already mid attack when they got there, causing the heroes to group together and come up with some sort of plan ... the plan eventually being there was no plan.

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