You can only be mine..~ (Angsttt??)

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Hey guys 😃 so uh- I've been reading a lot of yandere stories and I g u e s s I'm kinda obsessed with them so I just wanted to write my own- you can honestly put this in whoevers point of view and just lmk who's you'd think this would fit the most.
(Tw there will be mentions of blood, death and obsession)

The gentle air of the night freely rustled the leaves that lay strewn about. The crunch of the fallen life echoed throughout the dim lit trees. The smell of soft pine and dust coated the air in a gentle wave. Birds sang little melodies off in the distance. As night slowly crept over the brown turning horizon, my mind rushed with thoughts. Thoughts that felt so loud, ones that thundered through my skull making it hard to even catch one of them. The contrast of the soft and gentle scenery to my dark, drowning thoughts was kinda funny. My hands were coated in crimson liquid. The metallic and iron scent assaulting the ones of the forest. Whether it was mine or someone else's, I don't know at this point. My eyes sweeping the ground as I drug my feet through the dead leaves. What have I just done...what did I do...

I'll tell you what I've done...

I got rid of one more obstacle that was separating me and my true love~

These usless pests getting in the way of my future with the most beautiful angle in existence.

They tried but looks like they didn't get too far.

A twisted chuckle seeped past my lips as I drag the the cold, limp body to the deep hole I just finished digging out. I kick their filthy body down into the dirt pit. I couldn't bare to touch their disgusting being anymore. Glancing down, I see the body, shaped and laying in weird ways, their limbs cracked in directions that make them look deformed. Dry blood clinging to their figure as their bruised and mushy body caved in from the torture they were put through. Looking to my right, I stare at the shovel I had tossed aside only moments ago. The smooth, wooden stick with a steel, sharp, spoon shaped object stuck at the end. The soft handle that encased the tip of the other side, sitting so firmly with little finger indents curving around the side. Swiftly, I trudge through the ruby stained leaves to grab the shovel. Some of the human remains still on the metal tip. Holding the tool in my hands, I start to drop piles of dirt on the corpes that lay just a few feet below me. I let my mind wander and think about him. Oh that beautiful boy that just runs through my mind all day, I could never get tired chasing and tracing his gorgeous figure with my eyes. The way his hearty laugh soothes my ears, his smile making the room feel as if the sun got 10x closer to the earth. Oh I just can't wait for the day that I can just keep you to myself forever. I can't let anybody have you...

Coming back into reality, I realize I'm starting to dig a new hole as I've already filled up the previous one dug. I cover the small hole I started to make before walking over the freshly laid dirt, packing it down so what was put down below won't be uncovered so easily. Probably would've been a good idea to put a dead animal over the body but unlike these disgusting pigs trying to steal my love, I quite like animals so this'll just have to do. Once I feel it's all packed down enough, I grab some leaves and throw them so it looks a little more natural, I don't have the time to go through and clean every single blood stained leaf so I'll just mix them up.

I step back and admire the work I've done. A small smile cracking in between my lips and I stoop down and pick up the shovel before making my way back to my vehicle.

Do I regret it? Feel sympathy? Think over my actions and wrongdoings?

No...I don't.

I know it's wrong but I simply don't care. There isn't a quiver in my chest, a flinch of my finger nor a flash of remorse through my brain.

They try to keep me from my goals...they tried to take what was MINE  away...

So now they have to learn a lesson. They have to be taught not to take. Unfortunately, they do never learn because I don't give second chances.

My sweet, sweet darling. Soon you'll be all mine~

You can only be mine...I'll make sure of it.

(Heyyy, it sure has been a while huh ToT, sorry that this isn't as long as my other stories, I just decided to finally get something out there because it's been so damn long, I'm gonna be honest, I just really haven't had the motivation to write but since I'm back on Wattpad, I decided to finally post smth. I might start another book with another anime but if you have any requests just lmk :) Anyways, I'm gonna go eat or sum so love you lovlies, byyyeee~)

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