Onesies- Fluff

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This is before they get trapped in the killing game and Ishimaru has a job at a frozen yogurt place. Hope you enjoy! Contains more than one ship.

Ishimaru POV

It's spring break now and I feel a little relief. Sure I have to go to work but one thing has been checked off my list. Also I get to hang out with my boyfriend a little bit more so it's a win-win situation if you ask me. Oh and now to mention it my dad is out of town for the week, for his job and all. Well I better get ready for bed, I have work in the morning!

3rd person POV

As Ishimaru got ready for bed and fell asleep, Mondo was browsing the internet to see if he could get Ishimaru a gift. Now they had been dating for quite a while and Mondo has noticed how Ishimaru never takes breaks. Mondo was thinking he could do something special for his boyfriend  but he didn't know what...

((Time skip brought to you by Leon drunk karaoke))

Mondo POV

Well I couldn't find anything last night, hm. Well might as well go visit Ishimaru. Wait... OH! He works today... well might as well go see him!

3rd person POV

Mondo sighed and stretched. He was glad that spring break was here, because he thought he would be able to sleep in and cuddle with Ishimaru and not have a stupid alarm ruin it. But then he forgot that Ishimaru had to work. So there goes his plans. Mondo gets up and gets ready, skipping breakfast because he was going to eat frozen yogurt for the day. Mondo smiled to himself as he walked out the door. He got onto his motorcycle and headed to his unexpecting boyfriend's work.

Ishimarus POV

I sighed as I walked into work, being the first and only one there, I walked around and turned everything on. As I turned everything on, I thought of Mondo. A could feel a tiny smile creep onto my face as I pictured him in my mind. Then a small frown replaced my smile. Mondo... I would have been able to sleep in with him... I start to get a sinking feeling. But that feeling is replaced with a lighter feeling. Tomorrow is my day off and the day after that, so I guess it's not all that bad after all. Also I can get free frozen yogurt technically so a win-win I guess. I giggle to myself. I have everything turned on and started up. No customers usually show up around this time, unless they need a quick breakfast or it's a date that has a whole day of fun things planned ahead of them. A date... I think of Mondo again and I frown a little. I wish I could go on a date with him right now. I look as the floor to see its shiny, clean tile. I audibly sigh and start to organize things when I feel hands snake around my waist.

Mondo POV

I wrap my arms around my boyfriend and hear him squeak. He's so cute. I put my chin on his shoulder and look at him. His shock then turns into happiness as he looks as me with a little grin. "Where did you come from?" He asks in a silly voice. I chuckle and respond in an even weirder voice, "I came into through the back sir!" He giggled and I laugh as I kiss his cheek. "Hey you're getting my uniform dirty!" He shouts at me. "Hey, it's only a little dirt and it's on my hands, calm down." Ishimaru gave me a little Hmpf! before he gave up. "I missed you." he said. "We haven't  even been 9 hours a part!" "Yeah well I missed you so there!" He said as he looked at me triumphantly. "And I missed you too" I said while kissing his cheek. "Awwwww!" I hear from the front of the store. I saw one of Ishi's co-workers come in with a customer. Maizono and Leon. They have been dating for at least 8 months now. "Well isn't that cute" Leon stated with a smile on his face. "Babe!! Don't make them more embarrassed than they already are!! But you two really are cute for each other!" Maizono said as she got behind the counter with Ishi. "For sure." Leon said going and sitting at a table by the window. "Not as cute as you guys." I stated as I went and sat by Leon. Ishimaru giggled, like my favorite music being played. We talked for a bit until the customers started coming in.
((Time skip by my laziness and cute couples))

Ishimaru POV

I was the one closing up shop today so I was turning everything off. Everybody had already left, even Mondo. He said he had some business he needed to take care of, whatever that would be. I walk to work because I feel like it's a fair amount of exercise, and Mondo usually takes me home because he knows I have long days at work and am usually tired after work. But since he is not here, I guess I have to walk home myself. As I am walking home it feels peaceful and nice. "Man I really wish Mondo was here with me..." "Why would you want that?" I turn around startled just to see that it was just Asahina. "Asahina you scared me!" She giggled, "Did I now? Well I consider that a victory!" I laughed as she did a funny pose. "So why are you here Hina?" "I was visiting Sakura..." a small blush appeared on her face. "Oh, I get it now!" I gave her a smirk. "W-what!? No, it's not like that!" I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "yeah surrreee!" Asahina playfully  punched me in the arm "you're such a jerk!" "Yeah, yeah I know! Well I better get going." "Yeah me too" Asahina said while turning around, "well see yah later, Hina!" I gave a wave while continuing to walk to my house. "You too!" Asahina shouted back, as she ran the other direction.

Mondo POV

As I set everything up, Ishimaru walked in. He looked at me surprised, "Mondo! What are you doing here!?" "Well I thought I could surprise my Ishi with a gift." I give him the wrapped box while he is still in the entry way. "Awe Mondo you shouldn't ha-" "Yes I should have!" I shouted back at him. Ishimaru looked taken aback. I sighed and told him, "You have been working so hard, and I thought you deserved a break..." He smiled up at me warmly. God why is he so cute. I snapped out of my thoughts, "Go unwrap your gift!" I smile back at him. "Oh right! I'll be back!" He shouted as he ran up the stairs. I laughed to myself. Wait... let me go put on mine too! I walk out a few minutes later to see Ishimaru in the pink bunny onesie I gave him. "You look adorable angel" I say as I walk up too him. "W-well you look cute too!" He squeaked out as a rose blush appeared on his perfect porcelain face. I was wearing a fox onesie I found. "Well thanks princess" I purred out as I hugged him. "Don't call me that!" He shouted at me pushing me away. I laugh out loud, causing him to smile and giggle a little bit. I lead him to the living room wear I had snacks and drinks ready in front of the big TV that had the Office at the ready to be binge watched. I looked down at him and he slowly turns his head up towards me. He then suddenly pulls me down by wrapping his arms around my neck and kisses me. He then let's go and starts bouncing up and down. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthank-!" He then realized what he was doing and then stopped growing a crimson blush on his cheeks. I laugh as he burys his head in his hands. As I stop laughing he grabs my hand and pulls me to the couch. "Woah-" I Yelp as he throws me onto the couch. I lay there as he crawls on top of me and lays down. I chuckle as we get in a more comfortable position. I was laying down and holding my Ishi as we started watching the Office, these are going to be a fun two days.

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