Costums~ Smut, Part 2

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Heyyy guys! So y'all seemed to really like and want a part 2 of costumes (literally on person) so here's part 2! There is gonna be some profanity in here- okay so a lot of profanity- but that's what you guys came for right? Also I thought that picture was funny and a little relatable- anyways better not dilly dally and longer hope you guys enjoy! Also sorry for making you guys wait so long T^T writers block is a bitch- also there gonna be some kinky ass shit so if you dont like you no gotta read- I means it's up to you really ;w; anyways hope y'all enjoy!

Ishimaru POV

... Kiyotaka Ishimaru...
No, I definitely must be reading it wrong! But when I looked again... it was still there... Oh no! What's going to happen to my position as the ultimate moral compass!? I look up and everybody is panicking trying to find their costumes, but only one wasn't... Kyoko! I quickly walk over to her. "Hello Kyoko, you may know who I am-" "Yes, yes, I do and I am expecting you came to ask me about the costume you're supposed to wear" She looks down at the outfit in my hands. H-how did she find out!? "H-how did you-" "Isn't it obvious?" "Huh" she looked down slightly, closing her eyes. "We're being forced to wear things we would never wear, it explains why you got the maid outfit" I stand there in shock, how did she know?! Well not the time to ask questions we have to tell everybody! "Do you mind if I-" "go ahead" she gave a small trace of a smile. I turned around and shouted "Hey everybody! We have a clue that might help!" People started to look at me and mutter walking over. "What is it broski?" Hiro said lifting up an eyebrow. "Well we found a clue!" "Alright so spit it out pesent! We haven't got all day!" Byakuya said with a snobby remark. "Excuse me-" Kyoko cut me off "you should look for the costumes you would never wear" Junko cut in "why would I even touch something I would never even be caught dead in?!" "Because Monokuma wants us to suffer, do you really think he would take the time to pick out the things we would wear?" Kyoko said lifting a questioning eyebrow. "Now the more that I think of it the more it makes sense!" Asahina shouted. "Well we better go look for those costumes now!" Hiro shouted and everybody goes into the one room than beholds all of the things that we will have to wear for the what? Next 5 or 2 hours? I'm not sure but- "hey bro why you not trying to find your costume?" Holy smokes! I jumped at least five feet in the air! "Woah there dude-" "leon you scared me half to death!" I shout as I look at him with and angry expression, but all he does is laugh and say, "hey what are you doing out here still?" I was absolutely dumbfounded at the sudden question... what was I going to say?! "W-well um-" "what is that little maid outfit your costume?" He said it jokingly, I'm sure! But words just slipped out of my mouth... "what how do you know that?!" Yep this is the moment I officially screwed up! Well I guess I'll just have to take it now... "Wait... you actually have to wear that?" He waits a moment then burts into fits of laughter. "Wow bro, I'm excited to see what you look like!" He keeps on laughing as he walks off and leaves me red faced and standing there...

Mondo POV

I keep looking through this damn closet but nothing- "Hey bro I think I found your costume!" Someone snorts and I turn around to Hiro holding up a wolf costume- no not wolf, a damn dog costume! With a fuvking spiked collar and leash with fucking ears and a tail to top it off! Oh my god, and theres even a full fucking outfit for it! I swear I will rip that bear to shreds! I scoff and say, "Are you fucking stupid? That cant be mine!" "Well it has your name in it!" He holds up a little tag and it reads... Mondo Oowada... well shit...

((Time skip-to when everybody finds their costume and has changed and the last few are changing- *cough* taka and mondo *cough*))

(Still Mondos POV-)
I'm not... I'm not letting anybody see me like this... I look fucking ridiculous! I look at myself in the mirror as the fake wolf ears managed to stay on my head. "Jesus fucking christ..." I mumbled to myself under my breath. Someone then banged on the door, "Bro I know you're already changed, literally everybody else is out here and we would all kinda like to leave this room!" I could tell who it was, Leon... welp I guess I should just... go out there... yeah and if anybody has anything to say about it they can fucking say it to my face! Uhg... well here goes nothing. I hesitantly put my hand on the door knob and it makes a little rattling noise, and I could hear everything go stiff, well here we go. I slowly turn the knob as a creaking noice is earned out of the handle and door as I slowly pull it open. I stand in the doorway and look at the sea of the others in front of me. Some dressed as clowns, others in rags, (AHEMtogamiAHEM) and others in other stupid and ridiculous costumes. But one caught my eye... one person in particular... damn... it was Ishimaru... but he was wearing this cute ass maids outfit! Really?! That's the thing he would last be caught in!? I mean... I would love to see it on him more- "Are you going to sit there a gawk or are you going to help us get out?!" Togami interrupted my train of thought with a snarl. "I'm not gawking rag boy, and yes but I'm not the fucking key to get out of here dumbass" I responded with a growl "Awe is wolf boy going to get-" "Shut up both of you!" Asahina shouted, interrupting mine and togamis little quarrel. "Now if we're going to get out we have to figure out the code!"

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