The worst 5 years

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5 years already passed since hawkmoth has been defeated and dead.It was his own child who killed him, he pulled off his miraculous and used his cataclysm on him. Already 5 years living alone in his Mansion without mother or father, those 5 years was the worst years of all Adrien's life.

Once ladybug has known that Gabriel Agreste is hawkmoth, she felt bad for Adrien, but he never revealed that he is cat noir for her or for anyone else, same thing for ladybug.

Hawkmoth has been defeated when Marinete and Adrien are 17 years old so Adrien and Marinette are 22 years old now; they graduated and finish their studies. Adrien is the CEO of the company of his father and Marinette is one of the best stylists in this company, she works with Adrien.

In those 5 years, Adrien had only Plagg to talk to him. One day, it was bed time, Adrien was laying on his bed:

Adrien: Plagg, why my life is this bad, why no one from who I love stay with me, starting by my mom, my dad, and to finish that, my lady who won't love me and consider me just as a friend for the past 5 years, why I can't remove her love from my heart, why I'm still in love with her after all those years

Plagg: you know, we don't get everything from life, but one day, trust me, you will be able to get all what you wanted

Adrien: I'm so lonely, I feel so lonely, after all it's patrol time, at least I see her for a while but why she doesn't accept that we know our identities? There is no danger now.

Plagg: no one understand girls my friend, but maybe something will happen, something that you are waiting for, just relax and whatever happen, I'm with you and I won't leave you my kid

At those words, Adrien hug Plagg and transform for the patrol. He was waiting on Eiffel tower till Ladybug show up for him.

Ladybug (happy): good evening kitty cat, so ready for patrol?

Cat Noir (with a sad voice): yes, I'll meet you here, bye

Ladybug: wai...t

Ladybug didn't finish her words that Cat Noir left and start his patrol.

After 2 hours, they meet again on the Eiffel tower, Ladybug was the first to finish her patrol waiting for her partner, after some minutes, he joined her.

Ladybug: Kitty, what's wrong, you know you can tell me everything, aren't we friends?

Cat Noir: no one can understand me, no one can feel what I feel, no one can comfort me.... He sighs ... I think, I'm cursed just like my miraculous, I will never, ever be happy in my life again

Ladybug: tell me what's wrong kitty ... she just put her hand on his shoulder and make him look at her... kitty we are partners forever

Cat Noir: I want to ask you, may i?

Ladybug: sure, go ahead

Cat noir: why you never loved me? Why you never looked at me more than a friend?

Ladybug: B...because you know that boy, I love ... she looks down and continue... I can't love someone else except him, I'm sorry Kitty

Cat Noir: don't worry, I'm habituated after all those years, also why we can't find out our identities? Hawkmoth is defeated, we are free, no danger?

Ladybug: I...I don't know, we can't that's it

Ladybug can't tell Cat Noir that she is having bad nightmares for the latest 5 years, the same nightmare that they had known their identities and a new hawkmoth has appeared and hurted cat noir in front of her, she can't tell him

Cat Noir: I understand, see you next patrol, bye Ladybug

After those words, Cat Noir left and go back home. He detransform, give a piece of camembert to Plagg and lay down on his bed looking at the ceiling without any word till Plagg decided to start talking:

Plagg: you are getting worst, you should care about yourself, you should talk to someone what you feel, that's my advice kid

Adrien: I'm not sure, i can't tell Nino that i'm in love with Ladybug and that i killed my own father, but i need someone to be with right now, what about....Marinette

Plagg: then you have the respond to your questions, visit her and talk to her

Adrien: but Plagg, once I talk to her as Adrien, she never stops stuttering and she avoid me sometimes, it's like she hates me. Even at work, she doesn't look at me , she just looks down.

Plagg: you are dumb, just stop asking stupid questions, just move your butt and visit her, it's 8pm, I bet she is awake.... Or thinking about you, Plagg said it while thinking.

Adrien: fine you won, after all, I feel so lonely, if only Ladybug love me the way I love her... he sighs

Plagg: fine then move now and transform before I regret that

Adrien: thank you Plagg, Plagg claws out.

After transformations, he left from his window.....


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