Beautiful music

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POV Marinette:

I don't understand my partner anymore, what change him? What he means by a family? He lives alone? He doesn't have a family? Why he doesn't call me my lady anymore?

A lot of questions in my mind that I need answers. I stay a bit in the Eiffel tower after my kitty left, looking to the view and thinking till I yawn. I went to my house using my yo-yo and detransform in my bed. I lay on my bed, looking to the ceiling, thinking and thinking. Why kitty, why you don't tell me what's wrong, we are partners. I was lost in my world till my eyes started closing by itself, I work tomorrow and it's a bit late.

The next day, I prepared myself, I got my shower, I wear a black dress, I let my hair down, but I put a white headband and wear a white high-heels, a light red lipstick flavor cherry in my lips and an eyeliner. I get my breakfast, get my purse and go to work.

Damn I'm late, everyone is here already, starting by Adrien. I go to my office, and I started designing and drawing dome summer dresses. I was so busy till I heard the door, I allowed who know to go in, I found Adrien. What the hell, is this boy blessed by gods or what? He is wearing a black jean, a white shirt which show his muscles and abs and a black blazer. He is wearing a silver watch, his hair is all back with some gel, his lips are shining, his cologne, I smell it from 3 meters, the distance that he is away from me, omg I want to kiss him right now, he is so sexy.

Adrien: good morning, sorry for being late with papers, I just signed them yesterday night, hope I'm not late

Marinette: don't worry, t...thank you

Adrien: you are welcome, good luck

Marinette: y..yeah luck good!! I mean good luck!! I mean thank you

He smiles and goes to his office. I was looking to the papers signed by Adrien, I don't know why those papers are a bit familiar, I saw them with someone else except me and Adrien. Whatever maybe it's not an important detail. I just finished my work, it's lunch time. I was leaving till I see Adrien still in his office sitting on his chair working on a lot of papers. It's time to get lunch, why he still works?

I go to his office, closed the door behind me and puts my arms around his neck from behind, he wasn't even surprised but he turns around with his chair. He taps on his lap, I understand that I had to sit on them, yay I'm so happy. I sit on his laps, he puts his arms around my waist and looks at me, I look at his beautiful emerald eyes, I'm drown in this green meadow, but I see pain in his eyes, what happened to you, my Adrien? I couldn't resist, I get my face so close to his face, I was surprised when I see he closed his eyes and get closer to me. I pasted my lips in his soft lips and we kissed for a while, my arms was around his neck and his arms are in my back going up and down, omg I'm dreaming? If it's a dream, please don't wake me up. I raised my hands to be on his hair which I messed it, his hair is messy because of me, he bites my bottom lip, asking for the permission to his tongue, which I allowed it, our tongues are dancing together, a lovely dance that no one can stop it. For us, this kiss lasted only some seconds but it last at least 10 minutes. We get our faces a bit far after this intense kiss so we could sail into each other's eyes. We don't say any word, we just look to each other. We were in peace till a dumb stupid familiar voice interrupted our little moment

Lila: do I disturb you?

For sure you disturb me, just go away, out now

Adrien: no, what's app?

I just see Lila walking to his disk and puts a lot of papers

Lila: gorgeous blond, those are the papers that I need you to sign about the new equipments, the new personals that we will hire, take a time to check them, I need them in 3 days

Adrien: first, I'm not your blond, so please Lila don't call me this way

Lila: ill think about that.

She blows him a kiss and leave, aghhhh a knife please to kill her and cut her into ten pieces and throw her to sharks. I stand up from Adrien's laps and looks at him

Marinette: I'll leave, so see you

I go to the door till a hand hold mine

Adrien: you have something to do tomorrow?

Marinette: no why?

Adrien: I have a work dinner tomorrow with one of my clients. Alya, Lila and Luka are coming, Alya as my journalist to write about this meeting, Lila as my assistant, and luka as our main model

Marinette: what I'll be?

Adrien: you are our main stylist

Marinette: fine ill come

I sign, I thought a date, but as well I dream a lot

Adrien: I'm leaving, I have a lot of paperwork, see you

Marinette: see you, bye

I look at him leaving, all what I wanted is a date with him, but I think I should wake up, I'm still just a fried for him, like 6 years ago

Tonight, I feel so lonely, so I decided to transform and go to the upper part of the Eiffel tower, but I wasn't alone, I see my kitty, wait, holding a guitar and singing, wow this is the first time I see Cat Noir holding something else except his stick or his papers of yesterday

Cat Noir was singing and playing on the guitar in the same time, wow his voice his so awesome, so I hide behind one of the Eiffel columns and look at him singing. The song is so sad

Cat Noir: You are the only one in my heart

Your memories are all in my heart

Why you leave me so lonely

Without you I feel really lost

I know that you don't love me

I know that I doesn't mean anything for you

I'm just a partner for you

If only you can see my tears

Falling in every night

If only you can see my pain

In my heart killing me everyday

My lady I'm here for you

Sacrificing my life for you

Doesn't fear or afraid me

I always hear your voice in my ears

Like a lovely melody, a lovely song

I'm lost without you, just love me

I don't know what to say to be honest, this song is for me, do I give my partner all this pain? Do he still love me all this love? I was thinking till I heard him crying all the tears of his body and scream

Cat Noir: Ladybug, I love you, why don't you feel my pain? What that guy you love have more than me? I always try to move on, but I can't

My heart, I feel something in my heart; I just want to hug him but I didn't leave my hiding place, I look at him sitting on his knees and crying all his tears again, his hands on his legs, he made fists while crying, then I decided to get out of my place and face him.

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