Let's travel together

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POV Marinette:

I wake up at 1pm after spending the best night of my life. I opened my eyes and I found my head laying on his perfect sculpted chest, it's so soft. His messy hair, his arms cuddling me. I can hear his heart beating, my favorite melody. After the energy he spent last night, he deserves to sleep more. I checked under the cover and I found that me and Adrien are naked, so I didn't dream, yaay I'm happy.

I stand up from the bed kindly to not wake him up, I got a shower, dry myself, brushed my hair, I wear my bra and underwear and the silk robe that Adrien gave me yesterday, I opened the door quietly and close it to go to the kitchen. For real, how Adrien can live alone in such a very big luxury mansion. The kitchen itself is so big, so awesome. I had to walk 3 minutes to go there.

Once in the kitchen, I found Alya drinking her coffee alone, without Nino.

Marinette (while yawning): good morning

Alya: good afternoon, so I want details

Marinette: details about what?

Alya: you know, your first time with kitty cat

Marinette (while laughing): fine fine, but where is Nino?

Alya: sleeping, like your kitty

I got a coffee to drink and I raised my head to find an Alya waiting for details

Marinette: what?

Alya: so how he was in the bed? He was good?

Marinette (while biting her bottom lip): he is a god in the bed

Alya: tell me more, tell me more now

Marinette: it was like a dream Alya. When we went in after you yelling last night, I couldn't resist. We started kissing then I felt that I want more so I asked him to make me his.

Alya: finally, you both got your first time, so any new mini Agreste soon? Did you used protection? Oh, wait no need for protection, it's your first time for both but there is a risk for babies

Marinette: I told him I get pills

Alya: and you want me to believe that you get pills? Mari, check my forehead, isn't written "I'm dumb"

Marinette: I don't, but if we have nothing then he will stop and I really needed to feel him in me Alya, I hope I don't get pregnant or he will kill me

Alya: Adrien kills you? When he knows he will have a son or daughter? Are you kidding my ass?

Marinette: you think so?

Alya: yes, I'm sure of that, also tell me, how was his body, is it nice?

Marinette: aghhhh Alya, I can't describe, he is just perfect, every part of his body is just perfect

Alya (while laughing): he is turning you on our Agreste, after all I'm not surprised, he is chasing the Akumas for years. So, as you said, he is a god in bed, interesting, interesting. I hope you don't break the bed both of you next time.

Marinette: Alya come on, we aren't even experienced in that

Alya: not experienced and you had your first time successfully and you said he is a god in bed. If you were both experienced, I would find the bed in the first floor at this rate

Marinette: I give up, but he isn't just a god in bed, he is the god of destruction, the god of perfection, and a lot

Alya: let's leave the destruction for later, and when you wake up, how he was? I want to see

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