It's uncle, not papa!!! NO, papa!!!

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POV Marinette:

I went to the bathroom to hide and transformed into Cosmobug, to be able to reach Paris in some minutes. I left the hotel flying to Paris. Looking at Adrien from a far distance is fair enough for me, I really miss him, but he shouldn't notice my presence. Fine I know that spying on others is bad, but I'll use my yo-yo to check and also hear what he says, maybe he will talk about me. I finally reached Paris, I checked the company but no one there, did he lied about having some work? I just left and went to his mansion, and bingo I found him there on the couch with Layla on his laps. All what I did is to sit on the roof in front of the mansion and used my yo-yo to hear and watch (check in Lady wifi episode how she did that, spying on Chloe)

POV Adrien:

I never babysit a baby in my life, Layla is the first, but I will try. I accepted to keep Layla with me because I didn't want to get more hurt from Mari. What they are doing right now? Are they kissing?

Layla is sitting on my laps, she is really so cute, she had her mom's hair and skin and Nino's eyes, she is a little baby of 80cm of tall meanwhile I'm 183 cm of tall, I think the only tall except mine that I know is Mari, she is 162 cm, I remembered when I hugged her as cat noir 2 months ago, she laid her head on my chest, she was hearing my heart beating, and she asked me my tall and I did the same.

Layla wasn't a naughty girl, she is calm, we are watching the TV for almost 1 hour together. It's still 1 pm right now and she didn't get her lunch yet. I sit her on the couch

Adrien: it's lunch time, so what you want to eat?

Layla: Layla wants candies!!

Adrien: No candies before a healthy meal

Layla: Layla hate healthy meals

I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist

Adrien: what if we cook together a healthy meal, then we go make a picnic with some sandwiches made at home and some cookies then we eat ice cream?

Layla (while clapping her hands): oh yes uncle Adrien

POV Marinette:

He know how to make deals with kids, if i didn't ruin my chance with him, I would be sitting on his laps in Nice right now, but Adrien, I think I really started to know what I want and who I want.

They are both in the kitchen, and he puts Layla on the counter far from knives and the sharp kitchen items, smart move kitty. He is cutting vegetables but he cut himself, his finger is bleeding, but he just put his finger under the water. My poor kitty, if only I was there with you.

He is really good at cooking, he made a pasta with meatballs, this dish reminds me of the day I had my period, and when we went shopping together, I miss such days with him. He was really caring and kind, I love this dumb cat.

POV Adrien:

I served baby Layla her plate with pasta and got my plate too, we took a seat and we started eating.

Layla: it's really delicious uncle Adrien

Adrien: good girl, now finish all your plate, once you finish, wash your hands and your mouth but don't forget to brush your teeth. I'll get ready for picnic.

Layla: Yes uncle

I finished my plate, same as baby Layla. She runs to the bathroom to clean herself. I washed the dishes, I prepared some sandwiches, some cookies and some juice and cola and put all in a picnic basket. I washed my teeth and found Layla clinging to my leg, I picked her up to see what's wrong with her

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