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POV Marinette:

Once Chat Noir left my balcony, I laid on my bed and covered myself with my blanket. I spent almost 30 minutes looking at the ceiling, thinking of what Cat Noir said. That's true, maybe my nightmare is just a night dream and it doesn't mean anything, maybe it's just me who is afraid to lose my partner, and if it's the case so why I don't reveal anything for him? Why I'm so scared of this dream? I was just thinking for a while till I got Tikki talking to me:

Tikki: Marinette, something wrong? Since Cat Noir talked with you in the balcony and you didn't say any word after that, even to me?

Marinette: I'm fine, don't worry!

Once i said that, i just cuddle my pillow and turn to the opposite side

Tikki: Marinette, just say what happened? Why you can't reveal your identity to Cat Noir? There is no danger at all now

Marinette: you don't know anything; you don't know what you are saying, it's more than that.

Tikki: why don't you tell me then, let me understand what you mean.

Marinette: I want to sleep please, we will talk tomorrow, I'm so tired, good night Tikki

Tikki sighs and answers me while kissing my forehead

Tikki: as you wish, good night

No one POV:

Marinette doesn't take the time to answer Tikki good night, the little kwami fall asleep next to her owner, but Marinette couldn't close her eyes, thinking about what Cat Noir, thinking to find what she is going to tell him in case he asks Ladybug to reveal their identities. After a long fight, she finally falls asleep.

After some hours, in a late time of the night, Marinette was sweating, turning in her bed right and left, her eyes were closed but she was talking while sleeping, she doesn't stop repeating "please be alive, you should be alive, don't leave me, especially you", after some seconds of repeating the same words, she just screamed a loud "NO" that she wakes up. She started crying and she put her arms around herself, it's like she is protecting herself. Tikki wakes up and fly in front of her:

Tikki: Marinette, is everything ok? Why you are screaming? Is it a nightmare?

Marinette couldn't answer, she was crying all the tears she has, she grabs the blanket with both hands with all the power she has. Tikki was looking at her, and she couldn't say anything.

After a while, Sabine goes into her daughter's room and goes up to her bed. The mother takes her girl in her arms and hug her tightly.

Sabine: what's wrong Marinette, this isn't the first time that you do the same? Is it a nightmare? Is it the same? What you see?

Marinette can't tell her mother the truth, she can't tell her that in her nightmare, she and Cat Noir are married and that she is carrying Cat Noir's baby, yes, she is pregnant in her dream, she was in her room with her Kitty but there was an alert Akuma, once Marinette is transformed, they both leave. The Akumatized was a man, with a white suit, so elegant, he has a long big sword in his hand, Cat Noir can't let Marinette fighting, so he asked her to hide and asked her to give him the bee miraculous. Once she gave him what he needs, he unifies both Kwamis and goes behind the Akumatized villain, at this time, Ladybug activated her Lucky Charm, but once she was checking how to use it, she found out that Cat Noir is behind the villain ready to paralyze him, but once he wanted to do that, he got the sword in his heart stabbed by it, but in the same time he got stabbed, he used the bee miraculous power. Ladybug was so shocked, she was hoping that once she captures the Akuma, everything will be fixed by her powers. She breaks the sword where the Akuma was, and purify the butterfly. Once she used her Miraculous Ladybug, she was looking everything getting his previous state, but suddenly, not her husband, he was covered with his blood, his heart doesn't beat. She sits on her knees and carry him in her arms, looking at him while all her tears falling on his face, once she found out that he is dead, she just screams.

Marinette calms herself and look at her mother with a fake smile

Marinette: I'm fine mom, don't worry, it's just a nightmare and I'll be really fine

Sabine: don't go to work tomorrow, you can call Adrien or send him a message, he will understand you

Marinette: no don't worry, ill be fine, ill be back to sleep now, good night mom

Sabine: good night, but know if you need someone to talk to him, ill be here for you, ok?

Marinette: I won't forget, don't worry

Sabine leaves her daughter's room and go to sleep again, Tikki look at Marinette and ask her again

Tikki: you had this nightmare just after hawkmoth is defeated, and you didn't have this nightmare for over a month, but once after you talked with Cat Noir you had it again, Marinette, you fear something right? And this thing has a relation between hawkmoth and Cat Noir

Marinette look at Tikki, the little creature is right

Marinette: yes, I feel that hawkmoth will be back again

Tikki: but hawkmoth is dead and you know that, your partner killed him in front of you, he was Adrien's father

Marinette: I know but I feel that someone else will be hawkmoth, and this new one will be more dangerous than the previous hawkmoth, I hope I'm wrong

Tikki: just sleep now, and tomorrow ill need details after your work

Marinette: fine I will, ill try to sleep, good night

Tikki: good night

Both the kwami and the owner fall asleep

In the next day, Marinette wake up, take a shower, change her clothes and go to the Agreste Company. While going to her office, she finds out Adrien going to his office too

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