Happy Birthday Mari

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"Six Months later – one day before Marinette's birthday"

POV Adrien:

Since that day when Mari asked me if we both could have sex together, and we couldn't because of my mask and my transformation, I felt that she was getting far day after day, but she never stops telling me how much she loves me till I saw what hurted me one week ago. I was waiting her call as she promised me to spend the night with her, I waited from 5pm till 10pm but nothing yet, so I decided to transform and check on her.

I checked from the window but I found Luka on her bed, and Mari sitting on his laps and her head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her waist. I understand why she didn't call me. That's why I decided that ill propose her on her birthday tomorrow before I lose her.

It's 10am now. I transformed and visited Alya as Cat Noir

Alya: Cat Noir, is everything ok?

Nino was with her, better, I need them both

Cat Noir: Can I ask you a favor?

Alya: sure, how can I help you?

Cat Noir: I need you, Nino, Sabine and tom, Marinette's parents, can we all meet in your house when everyone isn't in your home?

Alya: yes sure, I can even bring them here, no need that you invite them, also my family is leaving in 30 minutes, they are going to grandma and they will be back late

Cat Noir: awesome, thank you Alya, so meet you in one hour? I need to do something in this hour

Alya; sure, thing Cat Noir, see ya in 1 hour here

Cat Noir: see ya

Alya is really awesome, I know what ill do will be correct and I can trust those 4 persons.

I left, I detransformed and went to jewelry shop to buy a proposal ring, I can't wait more, I want her as my wife. I found a Diamond ring, the diamond is not that big or the ring will lose his charm, it's a middle diamond in the middle. The shop owner put the ring in a red box, I got it and got a place where to transform to go back to Ayla's house, it's already 11am now

I knocked on her door, and Sabine opened the door. We sat all in the living room

Cat Noir: Tom, Sabine thank you so much for coming

Tom: that's the least that we can do for you cat noir for saving Paris for years

Cat Noir: I'm thankful for you, btw, Alya, I know that you already know who Ladybug is, but after your search, you had known who I'm?

Alya: Ha ha ha, give me more time and I'll know

Nino (while laughing): more than 8 years?

Alya: fine, I couldn't know who you are, but I'll know one day

Cat Noir: I know you will know who I'm, by the way, I want to say, that I love Marinette so much and I want to propose her

I got the red box and show them the ring

Alya: wow, this ring is awesome, I bet it cost a fortune

Cat Noir: I don't count money with my dear Mari, so Tom?

Tom: a hero, who will protect her as a husband for my daughter, I won't say no for sure, but you should ask her. She will be blind if she says no, I'll be happy if you join our family

Cat Noir: thank you Tom for your hospitality, but I think you all deserve to know who I'm

I stand up, everyone is looking at me and I pronounced the 3 words to detransform and I'm finally Adrien now

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