I'm falling for you

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POV Marinette:

I was waiting for my kitty to come, already 10 minutes passed, I sat on my couch waiting till I heard a knock on my trap, I opened the trap and find my chaton

Marinette: you are late kitty

Cat Noir: I told you in 15 minutes

We both laughed for a while, I looked at him holding me bridal style going downstairs

Marinette (while laughing): kitty, what are you doing?

Cat Noir: playing my husband role, easy

He puts me down and I opened the door

Marinette: so, where is the car, there is only this white car in front of the door

I looked at him smiling, he got keys from his suit pocket and clicked on the button, and I found that the car Infront of the house is opened and the car symbol comes out, I rubbed my eyes, I can't believe this car in front of me

Cat Noir: go in princess

Marinette: please don't tell me that this car is yours

Cat Noir: hmmm it is yes, Rolls Royce Ghost 2021

I can't speak, the car is so beautiful, this car is my dream car, I'm screaming inside

Marinette: I can't believe that ill ride my dream car

I went in and sat on the side seat and my kitty in the driver seat as he started driving to the store

Cat Noir: your dream car?

Marinette: yes, I'm fan of Rolls Royce cars, but they are so expensive

Cat Noir: tell me, if you will buy such car, what color you want it to be, they are special ordered, so you can put the colors you want, also the options you want

Marinette: I chose pink, light pink, but you are a black cat and got a white Rolls Royce?

Cat Noir: I love white color so much while I'm civilian, but black when I'm transformed, also I have the same car in black

Marinette: Ohhh, naughty kitty

Cat Noir: I didn't do anything, also we are finally arrived

He parked his car which maybe costs the price of all the cars in this parking, I had known he is rich but not that rich. This could help me, there is not many rich people with companies in Paris, Bob Ross, Adrien, Clara, jagged, wait jagged and Clara don't have a company, Adrien and bob ross have one, but Bob Ross is not a CEO, Adrien? No way, he isn't that rich, he has a mansion but not a yacht and private plane, or I don't know, maybe someone else who I don't know I bet. We went out of the car, I wrapped my hands over kitty's arm, he got a cart and we walked in the store.

I laid my head on his shoulder and I just felt a kiss on my head, I raised my head to find him looking at me while smiling, he started getting ingrédients and put them in the cart, I can't move my eyes from him, did I started falling for him, he didn't lie when he said that he will make his wife a queen, make her happy. I should talk to my mother about cat noir, I need an advice from her

I feel my heart beating so fast while looking at him, I feel that I want only to look at him, nothing exists except him, no one except him exist, only him

Cat Noir: Mari, are you ok? Are you tired? Don't forget, you are on your period so it's normal

Marinette: Y.. yeah, I'm a bit tired from walking

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