Wings of Freedom:Part 2

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Apparently on the planet it is said that there are chosen ones who will fight by the Palladians' sides to protect and help when needed. So that night we went out and met the chosen one. Apparently when we touch our protector their wings will change to correspond with our lions. The leader was introducing us to them and then this kids accidentally run into us literally the kids fell back one of the girls got pissed and when to talk to them but I did not care and helped the girl who bumped into me up and when she grabbed my hand so I could pull her up her wings shinned and when the light died down we all looked and her wings were red and black(they were white before) I was not sure what happened but the other girls were upset but suki came up pulled all the girls to their feet and asked everyone else to shake their hands they did and the same thing happened but their wings correspond with their lion colors. I realized what had happened but I was confused. These girls were not even 16 yet. But we had to leave because they did not want us to stay any longer after we met our protectors but what I did not realize is that they were staying with us but whatever. When we got to the castle, Alura then told us we were sharing our rooms with them. "What, that is bull," I began to say but shiro cut in and said, "Keith language there are kids and they are too young to just be lift up supervised plus they do not know their way around the castle now we are all tired it has been a long day so take your kid and get some rest the BOM(blade of marmora) will be here tomorrow so go to sleep and be up and ready in the morning alright .... Okay let's go". I take the kid back to my room. I realize that we are going to have to share the bed but I do not care at this point. She puts her shoes in the corner and I grab her and put her in bed, climb in and go to sleep. She is tense but I do not care and go to sleep.

Scarlet's pov(keith's "kid")

So I am on a castle ship with the paladins of Voltron, I was not supposed to be a chosen one and now I am in bed sleeping innocently with the red paladin. Wow, today has been insane, but I am tired so I am going to sleep. I wonder who is coming tomorrow. I have no idea who they were talking about.

Time ship brought to you by hunks cooking

Alluras pov

I woke up early to go and talk to coran about how we were going to make this work with the kids and everything. "Oh coran you were just the person I was looking for," I say as I see him down the hall from me. "Princess the blade got here late last night. I handled everything and they will join us for breakfast then we can have our meeting with them," coran said, twirling his mustache. "Perfect, that just leaves introducing them to the children and figuring out how we will make this work," I said thinking about how we will handle the new situation.

Time skip to breakfast no ones pov

Everyone is eating and enjoying their food, the blades are talking amongst themselves and the paladins and coran, leaving the wings(kids I want a name for them as a whole so it is wings) to talk amongst themselves. "This is insane right, last night we were home wondering if Voltron would come and save us and now we are in the castle of lions and are the paladin's wings this is awesome," Lily said(hunks "kid). "Right like last week I was worrying about grades and now I am on a castle ship helping Voltron," Nathan(shiro's "kid") said. "Umm hey sorry, but I couldn't help but overhear that you are like in school. Can you explain what is happening," regius(a blade) asks. "We are kids who where "chosen" to go with voltron and try to help save the world, Nathan and Andrew were chosen originally so they know more than we do but for the rest of us we are just kids going to school and stuff," answered celine. "Okay but where are you from? Why are you in the castle? We only got here last night. I am confused," asked another blade.

Timeskipe to after everything was explained to the blades also everyone is in the bridge

"Now that you are all caught up we should start our meeting right. We have very important matters to address," Allura stated. "Of course shall we start princess," Ulza said(yes he is alive keith saved him)

Timeskip the blades are staying with them for a mission

"Coran will add a bed in each paladin's room so your wings can stay with you and the wings will train together with their paladin. Keith shows the blades where they will be staying while Coran and the others add the beds," said Allura and with that they all went their separate ways.

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