Wings of Freedom Part 5 truth or dare

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Regus pov

"Y'know for a kid you sure aren't afraid to share you oppinian," commented

Krolia. "Is that a bad thing.... I never thought there was a point in being quiet when I have something to say," scarlet replied pulling the cutest face. She looked like a confused cw pup(cosmic wolf Keith's space wolf). Antok interjected to help Krolia rephrase her words" Their is nothing wrong with it but kids are usually more withdrawn and quiet they are usually scared to share their opinions with adults,". Just then the paladins walked in. "Hey guys,are you getting to know the kid?" Shiro asked. "Yes we are going to spend a lot of time together considering we don't have an accurate amount of time we will be staying here it only makes sense to get to know everyone" I replied confused as to why the blue paladin asked the question when it was obvious what was happening. "Umm....yeah anyway why don't we all get to know each other," pidge said changing the subject. " Yeah, let's play a game to get to know each other," Andrew said excitedly. "Here we will play two truths and a lie," suggested lance. It must be an earth game cause i have never heard of it. "The game is simple: tell two truths and a lie and the others have to guess what the lie is," explained pidge. "Okay, why don't you go first, Hunk," suggested lance. "Okay well umm.."hunk thought then said "I enjoy cooking, my birthday is february 8th, and I'm 6 '1," the paladin finished. "Your birthday..... You lied about your birthday," said Emma. "Duh he looked up and to the left that is accessing the creative part of the human brain therefore he was lying about his birthday," said scarlet. I didn't know kids that you could be this smart-"that was impressive I am not the best liar but yeah my birthday is January 13," hunk said sheepishly. "Keith your turn!," Pidge and Lance said oddly excitedly. "Sure whatever....... I am asian, I let allura body slam me in training cause she was upset to help her feel better and I have gray eyes," Keith said bordly. "Easy there is no way you would let anybody ever body slam you," "yeah obviously if I ever body slammed you it was because I got the upper hand due to my strength" yeah" all the paladins said at once. "He has purple eyes even I know that," Scarlet said, smirking. Silence Keith got uncomfortable and everyone was shocked. I don't know why though he may have a temper, he cares about other people and has a big heart. "So you do like allura then cause I-lance got cut off by Keith immediately denying that he liked allura. "My son LIKES WHO," krolia said, very invested. "Nope we are getting off topic, scarlet your turn," Lance said smugly. "Uhh sure I like oran berries(alien strawberries), I almost got crushed by a building, and I once ate deadly gruff sweat(alien reptile poison)," she finished. "You're a kid, the only truth was that you liked those berries duh," Pidge said and everyone agreed except andrew. "You are allergic to berries and he thinks they are disappointing in taste....... Are you okay,''Andrew said, worried everyone was shocked. "What's life without excitement," scarlet replied nonchalantly. "Any way moving on blue paladin it is your turn" emma replied unbothered."Okay umm I trained as a cargo pilot, I want to be a sniper if we go back to earth and I once didn't like hunks cupcakes he made and fed them to his dog," he finished. " You would never not like hunks cupcakes," Pidge said. "Actually I do recall you said you wanted to be a farmer if I am not mistaken," I replied Ulza made me get to know the paladins so it would be easier to work with them. "I-it is okay I know you want to be a farme-er but when was this," hunk looked heart broken like he was about to cry, I don't understand it is just food after all at least I think it is not sure. "It was when you made those banana blueberry muffins and forgot to measure the sugar correctly but I told you it didn't affect the taste. I felt too bad to tell you the truth,''Lance laughed it off nervously. Pidge hugged hunk and lance felt bad. "Okay umm why doesn't Andrew go next," Emma said. "Sure once I ate a battery, I built an engine from scratch and me and scarlet are siblings," Andrew said. "We are cousins," Scarlet replied. "Yeah but that was easy," Andrew said. "Cool krolia your turn," Lily said. "Sure why not umm I wanted to name keith yorak, I would rather train with antok than kolivon and I am a spotack(made up the word it is just a "breed" of galra)," she finished. "You are brantic not spotack, they are different breeds," replied ulza. The other blades were holding in snickers as krolia was sitting next to kolivan. "Coran your turn," said lance. "Okay once I fought off a group of yelmors because of a sandwich, I swindled unolu(space pirates) out of a deal with alfor, and I have been imprisoned 3 times in my life,"Coran finished. "Yelmors don't eat sandwiches," said andrew. "I never said they were going to eat the sandwiches did number 5 of umm I have everyone down by height, sorry pidge, you are number 8 now," he finished twirling his fabulous mustache. "You were imprisoned 2 times both by the unolu when you tried to "swindle" them and got caught. Father had to go and get you every time," the princess said with a smile.

Hey, guys authors note sorry for not posting in a while I just got super busy with practice and forgot about this but good news my seson is almost over in a month and a half so I can focus on this more once state champs are over and all I will be free stay, I still have a lot of story and plot left so I might put it out later but for now injoy.

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