Chapter 28 ~ The Basement

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1:46 Start

~Matthew POV~

I got up and got ready to go. I then ran into Makayla and Robaire's room. They were awake too and getting ready also.

"Nightmare?" I asked

"Yeah," they both said

Once we were ready we headed towards James.

We finally arrived and saw that his car wasn't there. We went straight to the back door and opened it. Luckily it was still open. I ran straight towards the basement door, but before I could reach it James appeared in front of me.

"Well if it isn't the famous Matthew Gold," he says smirking

"You are going to pay," I say

Robaire and Makayla come up behind me.

"Makayla go downstairs and go the the last door at the end of the hall. You will find her there. We will take care of James," I say

She nods and heads toward the door. James tries to stop her but Robaire and I hit him to the ground.

~Makayla POV~

I open the door and run straight down the stairs. I then run down the hallway and open up the door. I open it to a cold room. I then see Katherine laying on the ground. She has bruises all over. She was also tied up. I run over to her and grab my pocket knife out. I then start cutting the rope.

She then jolted awake and started crying.

"It's me Katherine," I say

She looks at me and starts crying even more. I quickly untie the rope and she hugs me. I hugged her back.

"H-how did you f-find me?"she asks

"I remembered your old ex then we found him on social media. We found a post about his house. Matthew knew where it was and came here. We saw James leave and came through the back door. We searched the whole house and just as Matthew was about to open the basement door James' car pulled up. Then today we all woke up because of a nightmare and headed here. Somehow Matthew knew exactly where you were. He told me to find you and he and Robaire would handle James," I explain

"Matthews here?" she asks

"Yes," I say

I help her up and we slowly walk back upstairs. Once we reach upstairs we see James tied up in the kitchen and Matthew and Robaire standing next to him.

Matthew looks up and locks eyes with Katherine. He then runs toward her and engulfs her in a hug, which almost knocks her over.

"You're alive," he says

"Well of course I am, I don't give up that easy," she jokes

We then called the cops and when they arrived we told them what happened. They then arrested James and we headed home.

455 words


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