Chapter 6: Confession

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Link lazily rolled over on the couch and groaned in boredom, it had been 4 hours since he had woke up and he had nothing to do. He heard the front door open and Sidon walked in, his arms were filled with groceries he had got from the general store. 

"Link!" he called out, "I'm back!"

Sidon received an annoyed moan in return.

Sidon walked to the kitchen and placed the food on the counter, then walked over to Link and sat down on the couch next to him, wrapping his arm around Link's waist.

"What's wrong, darling," he asked,

"I'm so bored, I can't thing of any thing to do." Link replied in a low, irritated tone.

Sidon was silent for a moment before he spoke again, 

"Are you hungry?" 


"I have a lot of books, would you like to read one?"


Sidon was midway through thinking about something else to suggest, when Link picked up his crutches and lifted himself off the couch and walked towards the corridor.

"I'm going to the bedroom." Link announced, 

After entering the bedroom Link dropped his crutches on the floor and let himself collapse on the bed. He heard footsteps from outside, a pause and then the door creaked open, Sidon walked into the room.

"Hey," he said before lying down next to Link. There was an uncomfortable silence before Sidon started talkink.

"So... Link... I've been thinking," 

Link turned to face Sidon,

"Do you... umm, want to get married?" he said awkwardly.

Link looked at Sidon incredulously, and laughed, much to Sidon's confusion.

"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious."

Link had to take a while to stop laughing and calm down,

"Sidon, I met you 2 weeks ago, and we haven't even had sex yet. I think you need to slow down a bit."

Sidon looked despondent,

"I'm, I-... I'm sorry, I guess I've gotten ahead of myself. It's just that, I've never been in a relationship before and it's gone so fast- and I love you so deeply and I sort of want it to be... Official, I suppose."

"Don't worry, we can get married one day. It just seems a bit hasty to do it now, that's all." Link said in an attempt to comfort Sidon. 

Sidon looked better, and spoke again.

"Link, I've been thinking about it for a while and I think's it's sort of time now that we've been together for a while." 

Link went red as he realised what Sidon meant;

"Link, do you want to.."

Link put a finger to Sidon's lips before he could finish,

"Of course I want to, you've got my full consent!" he said playfully.

Sidon didn't have to say anything else. He kissed Link and pulled back, a small trail of saliva connecting his lips with his partner's. He moved back in and started making out with Link, Sidon's pulse raced as his tongue pressed against Link's. He hugged Link and rolled over so Link was on top and they continued kissing. Link leaned in further and his grip tightened on Sidon, he let out a small sigh as his cock hardened. 

Sidon felt Link's erection pressing against him and snaked his hands down the hylian's clothes, burying his hands in Link's pants. He started to pump his cock with one hand, while caressing his body with his free one. Slowly, Sidon's lips slipped off Link's mouth and he started licking his shoulders. He sucked on his skin and slowly moved down, with his tongue lavishly rolling across his abs. 

Reaching down to his crotch, Link unbuttoned his pants and ripped them off. Sidon eyed his cock and stopped kissing Link, 

"Link, lie back," he said soothingly, 

Link obeyed, Sidon leaned in and started to slowly suck Link's dick. 

"Uaaah~" Link moaned in rapture, as tears of delight soaked his eyes. 

Sidon started sucking harder and faster, which made Link moan even louder. 

"Sidon~ I'm gonna cum," Link cried before he ejaculated into Sidon's mouth. 

After 15 minutes of doing this Sidon sat up, he looked at Link lovingly before leaning back in to kiss him, a mixture of saliva and semen dripping out of his mouth. Sidon broke the kiss and turned Link over,  

"Link, this might hurt a bit but it'll feel wonderful after a little while." 

He slid a finger into Link, and then another and another until all 5 of them were in there. Link arched his back and let out a loud cry that slowly morphed from pain into elation into bliss. Sidon took out his hand and opened a slit in his crotch area, revealing a veiny red cock. He slid it into Link and thrusted into the younger man. 

"Oooouuuuh~ Aaaaaaaah~" cried Link as Sidon started to get into a rythm of thrusting back and forth. Sidon wrapped his hands around Link's chest in a firm embrace and thrusted even harder. Link gasped in happiness as he felt Sidon's cum being pumped inside of him. 

"Be gentle Sido~~~n," he said teasingly, "You might send me back to the infirmary~"

Sidon chuckled softly, 

~Time Skip~

Sidon walked up the stairs to the throne room, after the reaching the top he slowly walked in. In front of him was a massive Zora, with dark blue scales, royal jewllery covering his body and the crown of the king adorning the top of his head. Noticing Sidon, he bent down to talk to him.

"Sidon my boy, what brings you here." asked the king, in a deep voice.

Sidon puffed out his chest and made eye contact with his father,

"Father, I come to you to discuss something I believe important."

King Dorephan raised an eyebrow,

"Go on."

"Well, regarding the hylian-"

"Do you mean the one you called... what was it... Link?"

"Umm y-yes. Link, I think that I, well..."

Sidon blushed,

"I think that I love him,"

Sidon waited for Dorephan's reaction, half expecting his heart to be shattered. Dorephan laughed, Sidon didn't know what to think of this, he nervously waited for his response.

"My boy," he boomed,

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

Sidon sighed in relief, he was suprised that his father was taking it this well.

"But... wouldn't that mean there wouldn't be any... queen? What would the other Zora think of this?! What if they can't accept this! What if I'm exiled?!"

Dorephan bellowed in laughter. 

"Sidon my boy. You'll be fine, the people will accept you, I am sure of it."

"Th-Thank you Father." 

"Anytime, my son."

To be continued in the next chapter...

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