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"I-...I really need you.."
Quackity looked up at him,he hugged him and Karl started crying.
After Karl calmed down a bit they decided to go to Their tree house in the woods.
(How many references can an author fit in one book🤔)

They went up and sat on the beam bags.
Quackity:"so what exactly happened?"
Karl:"he things I'm gay....and he said he'll kill me if he sees me kissing a boy"
Quackity sighed.
Quackity:"well that sucks"
Karl scoffed at the down playment.
Kar:"yeah it does "suck""
Quackity:"sorry,poor wording"
Karl smiled.
Quackity:"what can I do to cheer you up?"
Karl:"you could give me money"
Quackity:"I'm as broke as a joke,any other options?"
"You could fuck me in this treehouse"
He thought.

Karl:"you could.....nothing,your presence cheers me up enough"
He said as he went over to him.
Quackity:"btw...why did u kiss me"
Karl:"idk I just- I wanted to do smt..idk"
Quackity raised his eyebrows.
Karl:"poor wording,what I mean is I just wanted something to distract me,and I saw you,and I just wanted to prove him wrong...idk why that had to be the one thing he told me not to do"
Quackity:"I get it..."
Karl sat up and looked at him.
Karl:"I love you"
Quackity:"I love you to bro"
He smiled.
Bro,BRO? Bruh r u serious🙁

Quackity came closer and softly kissed his lips.
Karl:"what was that for????"
Quackity:"idk I just wanted to cheer you up" he laughed.
This was pain and pleasure at the same time,he didn't know how to react.
They laid back and just relaxed.
Quackity:"you know I'm here for you,
Karl:"of course I do"

Best friends // karlityWhere stories live. Discover now