an average day?

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June 2nd 1984

You, William, and Bosemen walk into the pizzeria, You and William both have a box each.

"Hey guys!" Bosemen yells out, getting the attention of Cassidy, Gabriel, and Jerry.

"Da!" Jerry calls out, the three quickly make there way over to their father, you and William look for a place to set the boxes down.

"Da, Do you like my banner so far?"

"Look Da! I drew my cool robot idea!"

"Look at my skates, Da!" The three all say at the same time.

"Aye, calm down down. Take it easy on Mr. Guy here, he's the only one that's keeping this place standing!"

"It's, Gee-"

"Unlike someone..." Bosemen interrupts Phil, he looks over to William which was stomping over to Vincent. You were sitting at a table near by, since the both of you found somewhere for those boxes.

William slaps Vincent. Which he made no reaction. You shrug it off and look back to bosemen. Since he's still talking with his kids.

"I just came over to check on you lots. Make sure to treat Mr. Afton and Mr. Guy well!"

"Da, you said that I could practice for the Grojband festival here today right?" Gabriel says.

"Of course Gabe you can even use the stage. Make sure to give these chumps a show they'll never forget!" Bosemen kisses Gabriel's forehead, [in a family love way >:( ] Gabriel gets embarrassed and his face turns red.

"Awh come on Da, that's gross." Gabriel says, really embarrassed from people seeing. Bosemen makes his way to the front entrances door.

"I'll be back before closing laddies!" Bosemen waves bye and exits.

"I need to call the fellas over!"

"Please don't run.." Phil says, in an attempt to make Gabriel stop running, which didn't do anything.


Gabriel had called his friends over, the music didn't bother You, it was more of Jerry's suger rush that bothered you, it was annoying. But he's just a kid after all. You heard some mumbling come from Vincent, then William promptly slapping him once again.

"Wake the fuck up you idiot!" William yells. Vincent wakes up.

"Morning bro :)" Vincent says. William began to ramble about how he shouldn't be shaking off, you weren't really paying attention to the two anymore. They got up from their seats and began to walk off.


"I got our name tags!" You look over to Vincent, you were helping William and Henry spring bonnie and fredbear. You jumped off the stage and went over to the three men there.

"-this tag says 'baby'?" You heard while making your way over.

"Oh, isn't that your name? Baby?" Phil looks a bit upset by that.

"Eh, doesn't matter if it is or not, these cost me a pretty penny. These are made out of solid gold." Phil sighs, placing the name Tage on with discomfort on his face.

"And here's yours Y/n." Vincent passes me a name tag, it had my correct name on it. No spelling mistakes or anything, luckily.

"Thanks Vincent." You smiled. He returned the smile.

"No problem!"

"Everyone start cleaning up! We've closed and these floors aren't gonna clean themselves!" Bosemen explains. Everyone then started to clean up, You and Vincent mopped the floors, Phil was cleaning the tables, Henry and William were still working with the two originals. While bosemen was sitting down enjoying his cigarette.

He soon got up and made his way towards William, he had something mischievous mind. He knocked over William's tool bucket.

"Bollocks!" You heard him say to himself. Bosemen then proceeded to ruffle his hair, but then quickly retract his hand back. Wiping his on hand on his shirt, He began to leave the stage.

"Whoopise, you outta keep better care of your stuff afton." William's face turned red or embarrassment.

"Phil, you almost done there buddie?"

"Yeah, almost. It would be nice if I could have som-"

"That's great to hear buddy! Continue the great work!" Bosemen walks out of the pizzeria, before opening the door once more.

"Make sure this place is clean and ready for tomorrow!" He exclaims before closing the door once more. Phil sighs and continues to clean the messy tables.

"Vincent, can you clean the rest? I'm going to go help Phil ok?"

"Ok," Vincent says. You start to walk away. "Have fun." He said before you reached Phil.

"Need help?" You offered. He jumped, not knowing I was there.

"Oh, uhm, yeah! Sure, thanks." He smiles. "There should be another rag in the supply closet, and could you bring more spray?"

"Yep, on it." You say. "Uhm, where's the closet again?" You smile sheepishly. Phil giggles.

"It's on the right near the office."

"Ok thanks!" You walk away from everyone, it was weirdly dead quiet. You could hear the Ac softly as you walked towards the supply closet. The whole time it felt like you were being watched. It couldn't be anyone back there could it? No, you would've heard the footsteps.

Then who could it be? It could also just be because your paranoid. You tried to shrug off the feeling as you opened the supply closets door, in the mirror of the inside of the door you saw Puppet or Charlie. She started You, you didn't scream you just jumped. And continued doing what you were doing, trying to go and help Phil as soon as possible.

"Your not supposed to be here." An echoy voice said. You knew it was just Charlie behind you. "How did you get here?" She says right when you find both a cloth and a spray bottle.

"Not now, there's too many people here." You state. Knowing if You took to long someone would come and look for You. You turned to her. She nodded now realizing nows not a good time. "I'll be here at 12am, then we can talk."

"Ok," Charlie says. "Your not on his side are you?"

"No, I wish I could help you, I just can't interfere with the timeline that much."

"You've already have."

"Not the major parts obviously."

"Y/n?" Phil calls down the hall.

"I gotta go."

"See you later." Charlie said, her voice laced with anger.

(1038 words)

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now