Prank gone wrong

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September 14th 1986
1:05 P.M.

Y/n was cleaning one of the party rooms from a party earlier that day. The kids are just getting more messy.

"Kids..." They mumbled as they cleaned the tables. They sighed out of relief when they finished. The room was now ready for it to be dirty by another party. Jeremy opened the door.

"Hey Y/n!" He called out. Y/n looked to his direction.

"Hey Jeremy. Is there something you want?" Jeremy looked to be holding in laughter as they asked that question.

"Yeah, I need help with something. Could you help?" He said while giggles escape his throat.

"Okay, what's going on? Why are you so giggly?"

"Oh its could you?" Y/n sighed as they started to put away the cleaning supplies.

"Your lucky I just finished. And also, have you done anything today?" Jeremy fake coughed.

"Heh, well..." Jeremy rubbed the back of his neck.

"Jeremy...what do you need help with?"

"Ugh fine. The back room where the older models are...theres...nosie, coming from inside."

"Are you sure it isn't just Dave?"

"Yes! I'm sure! Because I saw him in the main area! Inside the room, there was still noise!" Y/n stared nervously at the boy in front of them.

"Oh, uhm...well Jeremy you know how I get with them..."

"Please?" He gave them puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. But if there isn't any noise I'm going back to do my job."

"Okay, just follow me."


The two walked to the room, the closer they got the louder the room got. It wasn't necessarily loud, but it was loud enough to hear through the metal door.

"See! I'm telling the truth!"

"Okay, I believe you." Y/n walked closer to the door, pressing their ear to it, listening inside. "Yep, something moving in there..." Y/n said with a hint of terror in their voice.

"You good? You sound off, I guess."

"Oh, I-i'm fine!"

"Well if that's the case, Joan now!" As soon as he said the the Joan appeared from the door next to them, Jeremy opened the door as Joan shoved Y/n into the room, it was so fast that Y/n didn't have any time to react. They blinked as their eye sight adjusted. All of the animatronics payed their attention to Y/n.

"Uh, Jeremy! Let me out!" Y/n said while banging on the door, they tried to open it, but the handle wouldn't budge. "I'm serious! Let me out guys!"

"Oh calm down Y/n, it's just a prank!" Joan laughed out.

"Yeah! We'll let you out in 5 minutes!" Y/n kept banging on the door.

"5 minutes?" Joan began. "You said we'd leave them in there for only a minute."

"Well I changed my mind!" Joan sighed as she continued to help Jeremy, she didn't have much else to do. Y/n eventually stopped the banging. They slowly turned around to look at the five in the room with them. They clear their throat.

"U-uhm, hey guys.." They said quietly, they didn't need to make the two think they were going crazy already.

"Y/n...?" A voice reply further from the room.

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now