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October 16th 1984
3:27 P.M.

Y/n sits at a red table in the pizza hut next door. William is getting questioned inside while Henry and Phil were outside. Bosemen had been sitting on a bench while Gino tried to comfort him.

"Is that all you want?" William said, he had his head propped up by his hand. He looked as if he was about to fall asleep.

"Yes, almost that is." William groaned. "All we need to know is what were your relationship with them?" She keeled her eye on William waiting for him to say something.

"They were just some kids, we didn't do much. Yeah they pranked me but still, they were barely anything."

"And you?"

"Oh, we were friends in a way! Sort of, they trusted me with things...but I wouldn't lay a finger on them." Y/n wanted to say more, but didn't want to break down.

"Ok, that's all we needed-" Vincent comes rushing in, in white boxers with pink landlines phones on them. This cheered Y/n up as they held back laughter.

"What the bloody hell are you doing-?" William yells out before anyone else could.

"No time to explain I just had a kitchen accident! I'll be back bro!" He yells out as he ran out the restaurant. Scully shook it off and went to Bosemen.

"God he's fucking weird." William muttered. Y/n laughed.

"That's Vincent for ya." Y/n giggled at their own joke. They looked away for a moment towards the door as William slid Fritz's pocket knife, and Cassidy's hair band in Vincent's dirty pants. Y/n didn't noticed this when they turned back, but knew that it was probably going to happen soon. Scully made her way towards The two of them, to move the dirty clothes clothes the table, when she notices the glimmer of the knife.

"Mr. Valentino. Didn't you say your son had an interest in knifes?" Gino perked up.

"Yes! Yes I did."

"Could this maybe be one of his?" She questioned, showing Gino the heart wrenching sight.

"Yes! That's his favorite! He carries that around where ever he goes! H-how-where'd you find it!?"

"In, this clothes. Don't these belong to your employee? Mr.afton?" She said, now also knowing a hair band, with an orange lock of hair tied around it. "Mr. Bosemen is this your daughters perhaps?" She showed him the hairtie. His gut wrenched.

"Y-yes, that is her's." He says. "Where was this?!" His voice grew louder, as if he was demanding where she had found it. Mulder is now on his phone, as the people on the other line tells him about the dried blood.


October 21st 1984
4:57 P.M.

You wait in the house for longer than you would've thought you would need to. William should've been back by now right? And just as if on cue he brusted in.

"What took you so long? I-" You stop yourself, not wanting to admit that you were worried.

"I've just proved my theory to be true! Vincent got shot in the throat and lived! I-i can't belive it works! I gave Scott a dose of it aswell bit now we-I can live forever! Unless you wanna take some aswell." He smiled. Y/n looked at him sternly.





You both go back and forth for a while. Until William broke the cycle.

"Why!" He whined.

"Because being immortal will drive people crazy, not being able to rest or live out their live to the fullest, or do everything single thing that your able to do then have nothing afterwards. Because you can't be the same person for hundreds of years without changing. And not to mention you wa-"

"That enough. I don't wanna have a think over everything in the future. You know what's going to happen to me! So all I would have to do is ask."

"I'm not going to tell you your future, I haven't yet and never will."

"Why! I wanna know." He pounts. He's acting like a baby, you sigh.

"It'll mess the timeline up, hell I'm not even supposed to be here! I'm messing things up just talking to you!"

"Yeah whatever. Just, if you ever wanna be alive till the end of time just call!" He says, walking away from you. You go back to the dream you had a while ago. With being with William forever. It could just be the nerves getting to you. You practically know everything thats going to happen to everyone. You sigh, you don't know really what to do.

(782 words)

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now