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With Y/n

Y/n closed the door to one of the party rooms. Luckily it was empty. They locked the door and sat down leaning against it. They sat there silent, they couldn't believe that, that was it. Everything has been getting blurry, and they felt like he shouldn't be like this. Yet, they didn't know why. Shouldn't they know? Shouldn't they understand? It's their gut feeling. They should have a reason to believe why they don't think he should act like this. Spiraling down like this didn't help. They keeped on Spiraling down like this until a knock caught their attention.

"Hello? Y/n? Are you in here?" Said Phil from the other side of the door.

"Y-yeah, I'm in here." Y/n said in a shakey voice. They didn't realize it but they have been crying.

"...could you open the door?" Y/n sat up and stared at the door. Should they open it? This repeated in their head while staring at the door knob. They shook their head. Of course they should. Why would they think that? They unlocked the door and opened it. Phil stood there, about the knock again. He moves his hand down and put it down by his side.

"Hey..." Y/n said while hugging themselves.

"Are you alright? You've been in there for some time now."

"How long?"


"How long was I in there?"

"Oh, uhm for about 3 hours? About that time anyway." Y/n looked at the clock on the wall behind Phil. It read 3:36 p.m.

"Well, I should get going..."

"About that. Joan needed the day off. And neither Dave or Jeremy could take the shift so could you?" Phil asked, hoping for a yes. Y/n sighed, and smiled.

"Sure I can do it."

"Ok thank you! I'll make sure to pay you for overtime."

"Yep, so what do I need to do?"


"And that's basically it. Do you have any questions?" Y/n just looked at the clock again. 5:28 p.m.

"No I've got it."

"Ok, so come back by 12, and your shift will start."

"Alright I'll be back then." Y/n got their stuff and left. They took their time getting back to the love bus. The 'fight' they has with William didn't help anything at all. They started to dissociate on the walk, stuck in their thoughts. As they approached the camper they stopped. They looked at it and pondered not going in. Why should they? They could stay away from it for...they were going to grab something from their back pocket yet nothing was there...of course there wasn't! Why would they have something that could tell the time in their back pocket? They shook their head and walked closer to the camper. Before they opened the door it swung open. William stood there, he first looked worried, then calmed down.

"Y/n there you are! Where have you been? It's almost 7!" William said, having both of his hands resting on their shoulders.

'Seven?' They thought. Has it really been that long? How long did they take getting here? How long were they there standing? They pushes those thoughts away. Thoughts don't matter. They just smiled.

"Oh I was just getting ready for the night shift." Y/n responded.

"The night shift?"

"Yes. Neither you nor Jeremy could fill in for Joan tonight. So Phil asked if I could and I said yes."

"Why? I could go in for you just-"

"It's fine! Plus, I need some time alone anyway..." Y/n said. "And could you let go of me?"

"Oh yeah right sorry.." He let go of them, backing away so they could get in. Vincent had a plate in hand. He smiled once he saw Y/n.

"Hey welcome back! I made you food." He paused "..a couple hours ago..." He mumbled. "But I'm glad to see you back. Here!" He hands them their plate. Y/n smiled and took it.

"Thanks." They walked away towards their room. They sat down, and before they started eating and reflected on the day, well, on what they could remember. This somehow helped their memory problem. After that they begain to eat. Quickly might I add. They had to get some sleep before going in for the night shift.


11:30 p.m.

Y/n woke up from their alarm. They hit the clock, it stopped it's beeping. They sat up tiredly. The room was dark. The only light was the street light that flickered outside. They now remembered why they didn't like the night shift. 1. They has to walk their in the dark. And 2. The animatronics...they sat up and stretched. They already had their uniform on, so they looked around for a flashlight. Yet nothing.

11:40 p.m.

They were wasting enough time. They gave up and began walking. Surprisingly it wasn't as dark as they thought it would be. So they speed walked to work.

11:50 p.m.

They finally reached the door. They unlocked it with the keys Phil gave them earlier. They unlocked the doors and rushed to the office.

12:00 a.m.

They sat down in the swivel chair and 'relaxed' well the best they could anyway. The night shift started it won't be that bad. They thought.

(894 words)

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now