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July 14th 1984
7:34 P.M.

William had pulled Y/n aside and worked with the remnant. William was writing down in his notebook, while Y/n was just walking around the kitchen looking for something to eat.

"Wait, Willaim what day is it?" Y/n asks.

"I think the 13th? 14th maybe? I don't care right now." William said, he was just finishing up what he was writing. Then the door swang open. Fritz came running towards him.

"Boo!" Fritz yelled, making William jump. Y/n's stomach felt like a pit, they knew something was going to happen.
"Haha! Sorry I couldn't help myself Mr. Afton!" Fritz laughs.

"How-how the fuck did you get in here?" William said confused.

"You didn't lock the door." Fritz smiled.

"You little-"

"Hey what's that?" Fritz pointed to the remnant.

"It's nothing! And get the hell out of here!" William grabbed the big jar and out it behind his back.

"Well obviously it's not nothing! You gotta tell me now :)." William sighed.

"Oh, I get it now, that's your serct sauce you made for your pizza!" Fritz spoke. "Just don't get arrested like my mom did." Fritz laughed sheepishly, putting his hand on his neck.

"Er-Right! It's a very serct sauce! You can't tell anyone about it!"

"But Y/n knows about it." Fritz points to Y/n, which made them jump, not knowing that they'd be pulled into the conversation.

"No one else need to know, understand?"

"I won't tell a soul if you tell me where Micheal is!"

"Micheal? Why the hell do you wanna see that brat?"

"After our tea party he left without me being able to give him this present I made!" Fritz shows William the paper. "And sorry about not inviting you Y/n, dad said that I couldn't have much people over at that time."

"Oh no it fine." Y/n said, knowing what's coming up next.

"I can take you to him! I know where he is - yeah." Fritz looks back to William.

"Ok! Bye Y/n see you later!" Fritz says, as him and William both walked out of the kitchen. Y/n stood there, regretting not interfering with it. Yet, they knew that they would need to let it happen. Atleast now Micheal could get his present. Fritz came back running in with a second paper.

"Here! I forgot I had made this for you as well! Since you couldn't come to the last one I thought I'd make you this!" Fritz smiled, Y/n, with tears starting to shed in their eyes, took it.

"Come on! You wanna give Micheal his present? Then hurry up!" William called our from the kitchen door. Fritz waves bye.

"I'll make sure you can be at the next tea party Y/n!" He yelled out one last time, before disappearing with William. Y/n cried, knowing that they would never have another tea party with him. They opened the paper that was neatly rolled up.

It was the three of them, Micheal, Fritz, and Y/n all sitting at one of the tables, having tea cups in front of them, and at the top of the paper it read, 'sorry you couldn't make it to that last tea party :(' at the bottom their was a poorly drawn coupon, and it read, 'coupon for free chocolate dunkers!'

And right next it it had a little note, it read, 'for the next time we have a tea party.' Y/n smiled. They waited a while until they knew that it had been done, and walked to where William killed the soon to be five kids. There was blood on the floor, with Fritz, dead. Y/n tried to ignore the dead boy on the floor.

"Wh - what are you doing here Y/n?" William voice shaked.

"Calm down, remember, I alright knew you were going to do this, just - give me the paper that Fritz had." Y/n's voice sounded dull.

"Right, I think it's somewhere here, just close the door." Y/n did so, waiting for the paper. "Ah! Here it is. There you go." William hands Y/n the paper that Fritz had. Y/n grabbed it, tears began to form in their eyes again, when they could see Fritz in the corner of their eye.

"Th - thanks." They said and quickly ran off before William could ask anything.


Y/n finally found Micheal.

"Hey buddy!" Y/n smiled.

"Oh, hey Y/n! What's that?" Micheal had noticed the paper in their hand.

"It's something that Fritz wanted to give you. So I wanted to deliver it to you." Y/n kept the smile, yet it weaked and turned into a sad one, Micheal didn't seem to notice though.

"Thanks! Fritz had been saying he was going to make something for me!" Micheal takes that paper and unravels it. Y/n took a sneak peek at it, it was the three of them holding tea cups, sitting at a table, and in the middle had a tea kettle. It looked similar to the one Fritz gave Y/n, just much closer.

"Well, I gotta go."

"But you just got over here." Micheal said.

"I know, but I think that your father might need help before we head out for the night. It is getting a bit late."

"Yeah, ok, just get me when we're leaving."

"Ok, I will." Y/n smiles once more, before turning away and dreadfully walking back to William.

(923 words)

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now