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[And yes I made the picture at the top :) ]


Fritz walks up to Willaim, flicking his knife out of its holder.

"Hi!" William jumps on the table now understanding why a child is holding a knife.

"What the fuck!?" He yelled. You laugh at him. He blushed and got down, nervously chuckling to himself.
Gino quickly makes his way over.

"Oi Mama mia, my little goldfish, you know I told you to only use that one on threats." Gino says.

"Sorry..." Firzt says, upset that he misused his knife.

"You- you just- you just let your kid carry around a fucking KNIFE?!" William exclaims.

"Will, some family's do different things than others, like this for instance." Gino takes Fritz with him to bosemen and contained to talk.

"Well, it doesn't make since. What if the kid stabs something? Then what."

"I'm sure that they are just out for his safety. Maybe something bad happen, and that's why his parents let him carry a knife around." You shrug, not really knowing what else to add.

"Maybe, he just doesn't need to-"

"Y/n, afton! Let's go we're done here." You two heard Bosemen call, you help William up and walk towards the door, Fritz was still messing with his knife flicking it out and back in its compartment. Making William uneasy. You comforted him, he blushed, it going unoticed by you.

"We hope to see you again soon! Mlel amlcl!" (Don't mind my horrible spelling of the none English words -.-)

Several weeks later
(Because I don't know where else to lead this other than Susie's death :D)

"SHIT!" William yells.

"What is it this time Will?" Henry asks, seemly tired.

"I forgot my bloody toolbag again! Now I have to go back and get it."

"Oh, I can go get it for you, were is it?"

"It's uhm, on the dining table?" He asks himself more than You. "Yeah, it's on the dining table."

"Ok!" William tosses You the keys, and you began to drive to the house. You were very tired, you went able to have a good night's sleep in a while. So you started to doze off, you shook you head, when you eyes adjusted you saw a golden dog, but before you could do anything the car bounced up and down, over something.

Shit.. you thought to yourself. You looked through the mirror to see blood and a frightened Susie.

"Great," You've now caused the death of Susie's dog. You didn't have time to play around, since the house was right around the corner you drove off and grabbed it. Then turning around to the pizzeria, your gut turned when you actually saw how badly the dogs condition was. It was smashed and split in half, all of it's organs were now spread acrossed the road, blood spilled everywhere seeping into the road and expanding by every second. You felt like you were going to throw up at the sight. You drove away from the sight, having to feel that gut renching bump. You quickly drove off.


You park the car. You exit, feeling horrible as you saw the blood splattered all against the front of the car, some fur and pieces of broken organ tissue could been seen as well, the tires were also covered from the bottom in blood, fur, and some of the poor dogs teeth that stuck to the blood. You grabbed the toolbag out of the trunk, you heard someone coming running after you from the pizzeria entrance.

"You! YOU RAN OVER MY DOG!" You heard Susie yell out at you, knocking you down to the floor with an, oddly, strong push. "HOW COULD YOU!? HE DID NOTHING TO YOU!" Her eyes were red and puffy, tear stains could also be seen, also with the tears coming down hard on her face.

"I didn't meant to Susie I-I swear!"

"If you didn't mean it, then it wouldn't have happened. I cant believe that Elizabeth sees You as another parental figure! And...now you've...killed thumbtack." Susie broke down crying in front of you, her knees had blood stained onto them, you felt horrible. You sat up looking at her while William came outside in a rush, looking angry, not at you, but at Susie. You knew what was going to happen next, even if you were the one to run over the dog.

"Kid, I'll take care of this ok? Just go to the arcade." Susie nodded.

"O-ok" She sniffled. And walked off back into the pizzeria.

"Are you ok? What happened? And why is there blood on my car?!"

"I-I ran over her dog." You said not moving your head from its position.

"Who cares, common let's get you some water. And are you hurt?" You shake your head.

"No, just my hands are a bit scraped-"

"Let me bandaged up ok?" He pulls you up and walks you inside. He didn't know why he was doing any of this, he hasn't acted this way towards anybody, except for Sunny. He wasn't falling in love was he? He thought as he walked into the pizzeria with You.


After he made you some water and bandaged you up, he had something else to do, since this brat hurt Y/n, and because he wanted to try to see if he can get more remnant. (Lean)

"I'll be right back, you stay right there, I have to go get something."

"Oh, ok." You say, knowing what's going to happen next, but can't do anything to stop it. You sighed, putting you head in your arms.

(948 words)

Obsession [Yan!William afton/Dave miller x NB!reader] |Blueycapsules|Where stories live. Discover now