You've been a runner

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Frankie stopped dancing once she was sort of tired she walked around looking at the others. Then Newt and Thomas came up to her '' and then there's Frankie, she is 'keeper of all' meaning she fills in when she can. '' she nods '' so you've been a runner i want to be a runner how do i get in'' she was about to say he can't until he was knocked over by gally throwing someone.

"Come on Greenie" Gally taunted "maybe not Gal" Frankie said but the boy shook his head "no let's go" he got into a position. Frankie went to stand by chuck watching as they fought and taunted each other. She found it amusing as Gally swept the boy off his feet.
But he fell and hit his head hard, Frankie moved forward but the boy shot up muttering something.

"I remember my name" he paused looking around "I'm Thomas" he shouted which caused the others to cheer for him.

"Chuck" she nodded her head in the direction of where homestead was "do I have too" the boy whined which caused Frankie to smile " you do and you know they won't be up for much longer I promise" He nodded like he always did. He looked as if he was about to say something but was interrupted by the screeching of a griever.

The two looked at each other both giving each other a reassuring smile then continued. Frankie ruffled the boys hair once he was in bed then kissed the top of his head "Night Chuck I'll see you tomorrow sweet dreams" He smiled "night Frankie"

Frankie went to her secluded room which was a plus from being the only girl in the glade. She layed in her bed, which was located in the upper level of the two story homestead.

The screeching grivers caused Frankie to rose and turn that night. Something wasn't right Frankie knew it, they didn't sound like this every night so why did they today.

After hours of not being able to sleep the girl changed into jeans and a tank top. The blonde tied her boots up then grabbed a lightweight throw over for the cold morning.

She closed her door quietly then walked down the hall not wanting to wake the others. When she reached the first floor she went out the door and made her way to the micshaft tower.

She heard soft humming from another when she leaked up she saw Winston looking up at the sky. "Can I join you win" he nodded so she climbed up all the way and layed next to him. "What are you humming" she asked causing him to stop "I'm not sure, I can't remember the words but I remember the tune" Frankie nodded "could you not sleep" she asked "no the grivers same with you huh" she hummed in response. The two talked for a while then Frankie fell asleep to his humming.

"Frankie" a singsong voice called her waking her up. She saw a breaneat woman with a smile and kind eyes. "Good morning Frankie how about you get up and join your brothers" the woman lead her to a room where she saw one older blonde boy and a younger blonde boy. She sat in between the boys feeling a sense of comfort. But she felt someone shaking her. "Frankie" a voice she knew said shaking her lightly.

She woke up to see Alby and she realized what happened before was a dream. "Grievers" He asked which she nodded yes to. He gave her a concerned look "don't worry Alby I'm okay I can go check on Thomas for you and have to runners left yet." The man reached his hand out to the girl which she took.

So he helped her up "no they haven't left yet and go ahead I'll be checking on other things" with a nod Frankie climbed down the ladder and went to where Thomas was sleeping.

She shook his shoulder "Thomas time to get up" after a few moments Frankie flipped over his hammock. He hit the floor a groan following soon after. " Your gonna have to wake up Thomas come on let's go" she helped him up then lead the boy to the bathrooms.

She waited outside the door for him "who are you waiting for" Gally asked as he came closer to her "Thomas" she answered "waiting on greenie hand and foot you've been demoted" the girl rolled her eyes "it's part of my job you should get to yours" the boy held his hands up in defense "whatever you say" with that he walked off.

Fry's cooking filled the air of the glade making Frankie somewhat hungry. From afar she watched as the glade doors opened hoping that the runners would find a way out of this place like she did most mornings.

"Okay ready" Thomas called as he walked out of the bathroom. "Okay well let's go to the dinning hall shall we" he nodded so she lead him to the hall. "Morning Fran" Fry said hanging the girl a plate "put some extra strawberry's on there for you" She smiled "thank you Fry" Fry nodded and gave Thomas a plate.

The two took a seat on one of the benches. "So we need to find you a job" she said after taking a sip of her water "I want to" she cut him off "I know what you want to be Thomas but that isn't for me to decide if you are or aren't." She stabbed a piece of egg on her plate "you need to talk to Ben and Minho" he nodded a look of defeat on his face "we will find you a job don't worry" with that Chuck came over joining the two.

Frankie finished her food then looked to the boy in front of her. "Now a job for you what about building stuff." He shrugged while as the girl smiled" yeah sure we can try" she nods then stands and leads him over to Billy who was keeper of the badgers and the Bricknicks.

" Hey Billy come here." She yelled they were working on one of the huts that got hit by a tree during a storm. Billy had brown curly messy hair and a country accent.

" Yes ma'am" she pointed to Thomas. '' This is Thomas as you know and I'm trying to see if you need any more people for the Bricknicks ." He shrugged " I mean he could work with us for an hour or two how's that sound Tommy?" He nods " yeah okay" Frankie smiled "sounds great let me know when your done will y'a" he nods " of course come on Tommy"

Frankie made her way to Ben's room on the upper level. It was across from hers " Benny u up" she called from behind the closed door. Ben opened the door " sadly" she laugh " are you ready for the run." He shrugged " yeah I guess" the two walked out of the homestead and to the runners meeting spot.

" Where's Thomas? Thought he'd be here" Ben laughed then looked to where his sister was pointing. "with the Bricknicks. I'm trying to find him a job." He nodded.

Frankie said bye to Ben and the rest of the runners then walked back over to Thomas. " Hey boys, how are we doing?" Billy looked at her and shook his head no Thomas climbed down. " I don't think it's for me what else." She laughed "Sorry Billy" he just threw his hand up and then the two headed to the Slicers.

"Hey Winston" he looked up from messing with one of the pigs. "Hey what can u do for you." He walked out of the pen "well I'm trying to find him a job so mind telling him more of what you do." He nodded " yeah so Thomas we look after the animals" he went on about what they do Thomas looked disturbed so they moved on.

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