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The group made their way to the infirmary asking questions on the way. " has he said anything" Minho asked as we walked in which she said no to.

"Alby" Newt called getting closer to him, Alby sat with his arms crossed staring "Alby you alright" Newt tried again Frankie got to her knees in front of him she placed her hands on his arms.

The man looked down at her he looked as if he was conflicted "Al it's me" Frankie whispered Thomas went to his other side "Hey Alby" he paused "we might've just found a way out of the maze you hear me we could be getting out of here" Alby kept his eyes on Frankie as he shook his head "we can't we can't leave" his voice broke as a tear escaped his eye.

"They won't let us" Frankie leaned up to wipe the tear away "What are you talking about "I remember," Alby said his hand grabbing Frankie's wanting to hold it for comfort. The two hands sat on his lap as he talked "what do you remember" Thomas asked, Alby looked to him "you, you were always there favorite Thomas always" his voice broke as he talked.

Shouting could be heard from outside the med hut "Why did you do this? why did you come here?" Thomas stood up after Alby asked him those questions.

Frankie looked to the boys "You all go see what's wrong" Frankie said to Minho, Gally, and Fry she then looked back to Alby. "Al" he looked to her "and you" he paused as they left "You can't go back Frankie y-you can't" She placed her hands back in his arms "What do you mean Al where can't I go," she asked "to your father you can't let him get you again Kie please promise me you won't go back" she nodded "I promise you I can't go back Alby but I need you to tell me where I can't go"

He looked as if he was thinking "I-i" Frankie heard the screams and stood "Alby we need to go somewhere safe we can't be here right now" She grabbed some medical stuff and helped ably out his shirt back on.

The two went out of the med hut to find the disaster of what was happening in the place they called home. She heard the screeching that kept her up at night grivers were in their home.

Frankie ran behind Alby next to Thomas. Everyone was protecting each other trying to get to a safe place. For them, it was council hall.

Frankie was happy knowing that the people she held dear to her were safe. She stood behind Minho waiting for what felt like forever. A griever was right outside and trying to get in its claw reached in and took out one of the posts.

It then grabbed one of the boys then Chuck. Frankie helped hold onto Chuck pulling him back, when Alby started hitting it breaking the claw away.

"Chuck you okay" Thomas asked as Frankie held him close to her "yeah I'm okay" the girl pulled away scanning him for damage thankfully there way none. "Thanks Alby" he said but before the man could answer another claw grabbed him. Frankie screamed  trying to get Albys hand.

She held on trying to pull him back like they had done for Chuck, Thomas joined her. He looked to Thomas "get them out" then he looked to Frankie "remember Kie" a look of confusion flashed on her face then Ably let go of her hand.

Alby was snatched away from her she tried to go to the exit but Minho grabbed her. When she got out of her grasp and looked out to the glade she saw what she knew as home burn.

Gally and his men came over "Gally" Thomas said she watched as Gally punched him in the face. They started yelling at each other Frankie looked to what was in Chucks hand.

She took the two syringes, Thomas took one from her "maybe he's right" Thomas said as Frankie was already preparing the syringe. She looked to the boys holding Gally back.

Thomas said something but Frankie already plunged it into her side. A gasp left her lips, Thomas did the same but in his thigh.

All she heard was voices screaming her name as she fell to the ground.

A blonde woman sat at her desk looking at the family of three In front of her. The young girl turned her head to her right the boy next to her stuck his younger out " Benjamin that is not how you were raised" the boy sighed then looked back straight. The girl looked to the man but she couldn't make out his face it was just a man. "Francesca" the woman called causing her to look at the woman who sat in front of her "you are needed in room 302"


The blonde girl sat in a bunk with three girls and a boy "so did you kiss last night" a girl chocolate skin asked which the others giggled to "n-n-no we d-d-didn't we just s-snuck around" the young blonde blushed "Minho and Kie sitting in a tree k I s s" the boy was cut off by a pillow being thrown at him. "S-s-shut it Aris" the dirty blonde called then caught the pillow he threw back to her.


The man she called her father sat in a desk chair "I can't k-k-keep doing this" the now older blonde cried "my friends are dying I don't k-k-know where they are being tak-k-ken" she was cut off by a cup going by her face "stop this I can't keep hearing you speak of nonsense you know your role and you know what you will do now shut it Frankie" the girl wiped her tears away "I'm not going to be some surrogate for you I'm done so if you want me to do anything k-k-kill me like your k-k-killing my friends" she screamed.  Her father sighed and pressed a button.


"Turn it up 20 percent" the woman instructed. Frankie felt as if she were drowning she looked to a boy and girl she knew. Thomas and Tressa she banged on the glass calling there names. Tears streamed down her face. She then saw a boy she knew and loved being held back and another boy who she shared her blood with being sedated by men in white.

Frankie woke hours later in a movie metal box. She covered her eyes as the sunlight hit her face. She back away hitting the metal wall when she saw two boys. One older and one who looked her age. "It's okay" the older boy raised his hands to show her he was harmless "can we come in" the girl looked to the other boy who had a thick British accent.

The girl nodded so they jumped in. "My name is Alby and this is Newt so you remember yours" the girl thought.

Francesca that was her name but she could also remember the name Frankie "it's Frank-k-kie" she said quietly her own accent consisted of a mixture of American and Australian as well as a speech impediment. "Frank-kie" she said louder for the two to hear her.

Alby reached his hand out to her which she took. Once she was out of the box she saw the scene before her. Woods and grassy land that went for miles. The place was bear " where a-are we" She asked looking back to the boys. The one shrugged "I'm not sure but we will figure it out" Newt said with a small smile on his face.


With a gasp the girl was a wake and up panting trying to catch her breath.

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