A draft

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every word has its moments

their spotlight on the stage

Their voice is heard

in the play

But after they take their final bow

After the crowd shifts away

what is the 'after' that all of them chase?

Some climb, they climb high,

but what happens to the others,

the forgotten few?

They Crumble.

not good enough, too simple

too harsh, too quiet

so many flaws

in an inherently flawed world

what is truly good?

what should truly be forgotten?

Our need for perfection, our need for something brand new

all because they're not good enough

the forgotten few

Their song was sung

their life over

with just one delete button

Our mouths and hands have so many lives in them

trembling and breathing their first words

oh wait now they're dead

With the promise of new beginnings, they're kept on the page

fed lies just so they won't have to age

our words are always immortalized,

but what happens after their purpose is defied?

Is our world unified?

or are we left with a carcass of what could have been

If only we hadn't forgotten them

The forgotten few

Sing their song, loud and clear because

they're here with us

The Forgotten Few

- A Draft waiting to be something more

Express Myself- a collection of short poemsWhere stories live. Discover now