Cinderella's dead now

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Platonic? Platonic!

A/N: I'm not shaming any of Luke's exes.




Michael couldn't take his eyes off of him. Taking sipps from his drink, still staring at him.

Blond curls to the chin, glitter on his face, opened up button down, cluched down on a lounge bench.

The first time in his life that Michael didn't regret going to a club.

His friend Ashton looked in the same direction as he did so Michael turned his head back.

“Do you know him?“ the alcohol making his words a bit tips.

“Barely. One of my girl friends dated him a while ago. But as far as I'm concerned he's bi.“

“Good.“ Michael exed his drink to give his self confidence an extra boost before getting up and walking to the loner and promptly sitting opposite of him. “Hello.“

The young man looked up like ab frightened deer, shrinking even more into the seating. “Hi.“

“What are you doing here, all alone?“

The stranger looked like he just got punched in the face and Michael wanted to take the question back immediately.

“Someone told me to uhm socialise again. I guess, I don't know, I'm sorry.“

“Oh no, please don't apologize. I'm sorry for asking such a stupid question. I'm Michael by the way.”

“I'm Luke.“ he responded with a barely visible smile.

Michael proudly pattet his shoulders in his imagination for having the guts to talk to him.
“Do you want a drink?“

“Uhm, no thanks.“

“You sure? I'd pay it, with or without alcohol.“

Luke quickly looked to the side, letting out a sight. “You really don't need to buy me a drink, I promise.“

“Fine. I'll get myself something, don't disappeare, okay?“

Luke just nodded and watched as Michael got up and walked through the mass of other people to the bar.

When Michael returned a few minutes later there was a woman towering over the still seated Luke who, again, looked like a frightened deer.

He hurried up to get to the situation, placing the water bottles on the little table between the lounge benches.

The woman turned around to see Michael standing there. “Uh, go away again.“

“Excuse me?“

“Yes, go away again, me and little Lukey just had a wonderful conversation.“

Michael clanced at Luke who was all huddled and on the verge of tears.

“Looks great to me. But I think we'd all be glad if YOU leave.“

The woman visibly roles her eyes before storming off.

Michael sat down again, handing on of the bottles to Luke. “Here.“

He smiled shyly as he took it. “Thank you. But I-“

“Nope. I know you said I don't have to get you something but it's just water. And I took the bottled option so you don't think I'm a creep who tries to drug you.“

Luke let out a little laugh and leaned back, feeling a lot more comfortable.

“So. Not trying to be rude, but who was that?“

“Yea...she my ex girlfriend.“

Michael looked to the crowd, checking if she was still close. “Didn't seem like a happy ending to me.“

“It wasn't even a happy relationship.“ he said, unscrewing the bottle. “In the aftermath I can tell that she was pretty toxic and manipulative.“

“Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that.“

It went quiet between them, just the music in the club playing.

“Now I'd agree to some drinks.“

Michael laughed and the got up, walking to the bar together.

A few hours in and Luke was absolutely blasted, his words stumbling over each other as he tried to explain that he was unable to drive home.

Or more, trying to explain that he, for a fact, forgot where he lived.

“You can stay at my place for the night.“

Luke's face lit up and he agreed more than happily.

So they left the club and Michael pulled his phone out to call a taxi.

Michael unlocked the door to his apartment, letting the drunkenly smily Luke into his little privacy.

“I'll set up the couch for myself and you can sleep in my bed, okay?“

Luke just agreed as he put his shoes away.

In the bedroom Michael opened his closest and pulled out one of his shirts. “You can wear that to sleep.“

“Thank you.“ Luke blushed and carefully took the fabric, holding onto it.“

“No problem. I'm in the living room if you need anything. The bathroom is right next to my room so no way to miss it.“

Michael took one set of pillow and blanket from his double bed and dragging it out of the room, crashing down on the couch.

It took him a bit to settle down and to clear his mind but as he was almost asleep there was a loud rumble coming from his room.

He jumped up and ran to his room.

Luke sat on the floor, on the verge of tears again.

“Oh no, what's wrong?“

He looked up, slowly realising that he probably woke Michael up. “I'm so sorry, it's nothing, I'm fine.“

Michael sat down next to him. “Can I?“

A bit unsure of what he meant Luke nodded and Michael pulled him into a hug.

They sat there, tangled up into each other for a bit, finding comfort in it.

“Thank you.“ Luke mumbled, slowly sitting up again.

“Of course.“

“Would you mind...“ Luke hesitated. “to sleep in your bed with me?“

“If you don't mind.“

Luke shook his head quickly and smiled.

“Ojay then get back to bed and I'll be back in a minute.“

He returned to his room with his blanket and pillow, setting his bed up again and laying down next to Luke.

There was an uncomfortable big gap between them until Michael moved over and gently layed an arm over Luke's waist. “Is that okay?“

“I think so.“

“Good because i still don't want you to think I'm a creep.“

Luke giggled and got closer into Michaels chest. “Now it's fine.“

“Good night “

“Good night “

When Michael woke up, again his head hurts and Luke wasn't next to him anymore. But he heard gagging sounds coming from the bathroom.

He got up and walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast for his guest.

Luke came shying into the kitchen while Michael was already eating. “I'm really sorry. I cleaned it all up, used some of the spray in the bathroom and opened the window.”

Michael just smiled and moved the plate with toast and eggs in his direction. “No worries. Rather my toilet than my floor.“

“That's true.“

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