Lore Part 3: Just a backstory

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Let's go back in time. Because, I own your minds and you do as I say- STOP ARGUING WITH ME WAHHHHHHHHH!!!

You first saw Yujiro longgg before the last chapter. He was 16, for some reason in the Vietnam war--do humans do that? Send kids that young? Well, who knows! You had some dick to absolutely slobber in a few minutes with your top new students so you didn't really have the capacity to care. Why were they fighting anyway? Who were they fighting. UGH! You really didn't care, you were just innately curious. The only reason you were there was for the pent up soldiers.

Hey, they might be absolutely shit at it and cum fast but they'll be desperate and go rough and be perfect to test your students on. The soft ones probably already died. Too bad. It would have been fun to tease and encourage them to fuck you, watching them unravel in pleasure- ah~ Just the thought makes you shudder.

You had just finished assigning a human to your demons when you had discovered someone...delectable~

Yujiro. Hanma. You had an obligation to check out the merchandise (the soldiers), and make sure your demons weren't fucking anything up, unless they wanted to do it in that position, by all means, but who said you couldn't have a little extra fun~? More importantly, who could stop you?

No one, and you were so unbelievably glad you did. You could spin a wheel and any, LITERALLY any reason would be enough for you. Look, here: This man, this 16 year old, ripped someone's face off, and used it as a mask to defeat enemy forces. HOLY SHIT.

{I actually spun a wheel, this man is insane.}

You ended up just following him around, planning on letting him mature for a little bit, not too long, before gifting him to Wrath come this years happiest and lowest rates of humans succumbing to violence. You didn't exactly hide yourself, your glowing eyes were noticeable in the shadows you were bathed in, your presence always instinctual while lounging on a tree branch or standing on some high ground. You actually found it funny that he just ignored you without a care in the world! Ha! You had feeling this was a family trait among the Hanmas.

...Hanma...Hanma? Hannnnnmaaaaaaa....HANMA! Wait...no, you were right! That's Yuchiro's boy!

Holy fuck, it all makes sense now! You had an inkling he was familiar. That old man is fucking it up with Wrath. And just fucking whenever she got hot and bothered enough from something he did. Hahahahaha! But that could also just be a rumor. You could ask but that would make gossiping less fun. You wondered what the Envy District knew, their news being the top in all of hell after all.

Well! You thoroughly enjoyed receiving that information. Ahh, anyways, this was your first clue that Yujiro would be out of your temptation completely. "Jane", was her name. Appropriate for a background character. Or was it Diane? Was Diane her real name or Jane? Bah! Who cares! The woman...who you just remembered had a pretty nice rack and attractive muscles going for her- goddamn. It's a pity she got shot the fuck up, pfft. Ah, and a shame what happened to her you supposed, genuinely you were not able to feel much for her, not with what heaven did to you.

You're getting sidetracked again. Where were you...uh...right! This Jane character, some...assassin, you thought? Whatever, she was trying to seduce him and you were waiting around to see his dick pop out. You were trying to wait patiently when "Jane's" eyes glanced up at your direction. "Hm?" You tilted your head, your eyes swirling and matching the subtle swirl in the blonde's. Oh!

'Oh I see! It's possession.'

A demon has taken over her body and shifted it. No wonder she looked much more tempting. Having recognized a prince of Hell, the demon let out a high pitch whine, a sound far beyond the capabilities of a human for your instructions. Aw~ They wanted to be so good for you~ You smirked and lifted your hand, curling your fingers like it was around a phallus and putting it up to your mouth, moving it back and forth. The possessor blinked in understanding, turning back to make their move. You would definitely reward them after.

...Well maybe not as good as you were going to cuz uh...pfft. Damn. Re, JECTEDDDDDDDD! The demon got their advances slapped away like a pimp to a disobedient hoe. There was a hoe you wanted to visit later too. God, you're so busy. Anyway, back to the HILARIOUS show, Yujiro basically said, "Should I rip your face off right now?" (No this is not from cjdachamp. I did not use his channel because I'm lazy...He has a very nice channel go subscribe. Not a sponsor. Wish it was, I need money. Guys, pay me to upload faster. I swear I will.)

You tried not to laugh, no really! You're literally choking yourself at this moment so you didn't laugh to hard. And no, it was not because you had a choking kink, they're not even RELATED ):<

And yes, you did fall out of the tree but that was because you wanted to save them some dignity. Said demon had went looking for you like a sad puppy but unfortunately, you had already rushed after Yujiro to be further amused with the intriguing human. You did remember though to come back before you went too far and rip the demon out of Jane, bending them over and shoving one of your crystals up their ass as a promise to come back before letting it seep back into the background character. Their moan was so cute~

Today this demon works as your assistant and a good friend.

{Finished editing on June 8, 2024}

Wassup!!! I'm gonna wait until somebody does my research for me and then fix everything up. RAH.


PSSSTT! HEY! I just had an idea. What if I make it my thing to make fanfics of ships that don't have many, if at all, fanfics on them? YOOOOOO! I'm so doing that! I have a Crunchyroll account and...all access sites (in gta, def not committing a crime/j Wattpad😏) so leave a comment in this specific spot comment on any chapter and let me know! I'll get to them over the summer! I'm so excited, don't fail me fuckers. Or i'll fuck YOU-! }

Yujiro Hanma x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now