Part 2: The loree-How many letters can I put? Could I just put the story here?

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Giggling like a schoolgirl, you collapsed onto the enormous love seat of your favorite bar, one modeled after the bar you stumbled upon on your first day on earth and therefore the one you frequent the most.

Naturally you had your own seat, as all the establishments do in case you arrive, but this one was more...suited for your needs (meaning it was large enough to house a few hours of passion with multiple participants as well).

A familiar curled up behind you, having you turn to your side so it could press itself against your behind. "You look happy~" A deep echoey voice caressed your ear, a full body shiver overcoming you as you pressed back. "I am. And something down there is making me happier~"

"Oh? You'll have to pardon me, my witch is expecting me so I can't show up dirty."

You groaned, turning slightly to reach back and grip it's hair, brushing over the fuzzy antennas of the moth. "Then distract me before I decide licking you clean is sufficient."

It grinned, its long tongue snaking out and wrapping around your neck, tugging your head back sharply. "As you wish," it purred.

Another demon made itself comfortable between your thighs, a rogue demon (demons that attack the saints), who took the liberty to mark your inner thighs with hickeys and stubbornly ignoring your growing erection as the familiar rutted itself firmly between your cheeks.

"Shoh[So]?" the rouge slobbered, "Whahts going aw [What's going on]?"

"Hm..." Your lips curled up as you smirked, preening at the attention. "I've decided- oh~! God, you have nice teeth-- It's official. I've decided I've found 'love'."

The bar abruptly fell silent, all movement stopping in place which made you especially frustrated since 'I'm trying to get off here...'

"Fuck getting off!" Oops, he said that out loud. You looked vaguely in the direction of the bar where the outburst came from. "Okay, weird thing to say knowing what I embody, but yes~ The rumors are true."

"What rumors?" someone interjected.

"I hate you. He is someone we all know and lust over and very worthy of my attention. I- Oof!"

Before you could even really start a sentence someone cheered, prompting them all to swarm you like mosquitos and you had the finest blood around. 'Ooh...someone's hands are v e r y well made for a han-'

"Who is it?!"

"Holy shit! Can we go see them?"

"Why'd ya wor' it li' tha'? 'Dey ain't huem'n or'h sumthan'?" [Why'd you word it like that? They ain't human or something?] It's been a few months and you still couldn't tell if this person was just perpetually drunk or just spoke like that.

"You got an invisible cunt on your mouth or something? Stop edging us already!!"

'I wish. There's too many bodies against me to focus. I wanna-'


It took the entire bar screaming your former name to get your attention, the lust rushing out of you like a current. "Ugh! Alright alright!" You shot up and huffed loudly, suddenly noticing the familiar and rogue were no longer on your love seat, instead having joined everyone else on their knees before you with steel-like attention. You really weren't getting any huh...damn. You sighed and held yourself up with your left elbow, the other scratching the back of your head as you frowned deeply, no longer in the mood for some fun. "His name is...Yujiro Hanma~" A shiver went up your spine making you arch, a twisted smile matching your lost eyes at just feeling his name shifting our lips.

Yujiro Hanma x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now