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"hey, she's waking up."

i opened my eyes to see ashton, luke, and the teacher.

"you two can leave now, she'll be alright with me." the teacher said, dismissing them to go practice with the other students.

the teacher held out a hand for me, helping me get up.

"i'm ms. carrio. are you alright, dear?" she asked.

"i don't know. i just started feeling really hot, and dizzy." i answered.

"what's your power, darling?"

"i'm not sure."

"come with me." she said, leading me into a smaller room next to the large gym.

"i need to close your eyes, and think of fire. think of the hottest things imaginable."

i closed my eyes, thinking of fire, volcanoes, the sun, but i started feeling dizzy again so i stopped and opened my eyes.

"okay, so you don't have a fire ability. let's try plants. think of all the plants and green things you can think of."

i closed my eyes again, this time thinking of vines, grass, and tree leaves.

i didn't feel dizzy, but i didn't feel anything else.

i opened my eyes to see ms. carrio looking through a small booklet, closing it, then looking back up at me.

"did you feel anything?" she asked.

i shook my head no.

"may i see your hands?"

i held out both my hands. she turned them so my palms were facing upwards, then putting her hands a few centimeters above mine.

"i'm getting a cool vibe. can we try water?"

i nodded and closed my eyes once again, and thought of water, rain, oceans, and lakes.

i felt something in my hands so i opened my eyes to see the ms. carrio smiling.

"did you see something, in your mind?"

"no, but i felt something in my hands."

"i think i might know what your power is, sweetheart." she smiled.

"think of ice."

i closed my eyes and thought of anything ice once was or can become, and starting seeing it. i also felt my hands tingling.

i heard something hit the wall so i opened my eyes to see a patch of ice on the wall.

ms. carrio was clapping with excitement.

"did i do that?" i asked, eyes wide.

"you sure did. now let's go back to the gym so you can practice your power. and might i suggest since you're just learning, don't get too close to ashton irwin. we wouldn't want you fainting again." she replied leading me back to the gym, then walking off to check on the other students.

"ellie! we were worried about you, are you okay?" ashton asked, luke right behind him.

"he was worried." luke corrected.

ashton nudged him then turned back to me, still waiting for answer.

"i'm fine, i just can't get too close to you because of my power." i answered, stepping back a little bit.

"what's your power?" he asked, his face showing clear dissapointment.

"ice." i answered.


"that's cool, make some and throw it up." luke said.

i closed my eyes and imagined it, feeling that same sensation in my hands.

i heard shattering so i quickly opened my eyes and saw many tiny pieces of ice on the floor.

"what happened?" i asked.

"here, do what you just did again, but keep your eyes open." luke said.

i nodded and concentrated on my hands, watching as a chunk of ice formed in my hands.

"now watch this." luke said, as he pointed at the ice with his index finger and a bolt of lightning shot out, hitting the ice, turning it into a million little pieces of glimmering ice.

the two boys chuckled as i looked at the crystals in awe.

"come on class, stop playing around, let's get back to practicing our powers." ms. carrio said, giving me a quick smile.

i smiled back and turned to ashton and luke.

"let's do this poo."

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