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[act one; chapter two     -     patron]

[act one; chapter two     -     patron]

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Andromeda's heart wasn't in the tour, and neither was Annabeth's.

She gave up helping her best friend show Piper around camp, and the raging headache she had wasn't helping one bit, so she excused herself. After stopping by her cabin to change into different clothes and shower, she made her way down to the dock.

It wasn't night time yet, hells, it wasn't even late afternoon, but the sky hadn't been particularly bright lately. Clouds were everywhere, and the moon was hidden behind them like a secret. She curled herself up on one of the posts, leaning her head back against it. As she stared at the sky and the clouds passing by, she couldn't help the tears that welled up in her eyes. While she sat there, her whole body let go. Her constantly tensed muscles began to relax, and her mind slowly but surely began to let go of the returning fear that plagued her mind.

Fear. It was a type of fear she had spent her whole life running from. The fear of letting herself love someone, of letting herself be loved by someone. And now that person, that person who had defied everything she had feared, the person who showed her love and passion and hope in the face of all of her fear, was gone. He was gone without a word, without any hint or clue of where he could have gone. Just...he just disappeared as if he never existed.

And all that was left behind was a necklace—a necklace she now wore around her neck.

Craning her head back, she saw Jason and Drew walking up the porch steps of the Big House. Her red brows furrowed.

Jason—Jason. His name seemed so familiar...and no, she doesn't mean the hero Jason and the Argonauts. She means this Jason, the one with blonde hair and electric blue eyes. She means Jason who had only one shoe, the one with a small scar on his upper lip, the Jason whose voice reminded her of something...a foggy memory, one that she couldn't quite place. Sure, she had met a few Jason's in her life, none that stood out to her. She remembered one from California, but the more she thought, the more she realised that she couldn't remember a single detail about him. She couldn't remember and that worried her.

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