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[act three; chapter four     -     my esteemed lady march]

[act three; chapter four     -     my esteemed lady march]

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All in all, Zara felt pretty useless, just sitting in Jason's cabin, waiting for him to wake up. She hadn't done much to help around the Argo and she hardly knew the rest of the crew, specifically the Greeks. She had talked the most with Piper while they were taking care of an unconscious son of Jupiter, and she seemed nice. Maybe a little stand-offish and unsure of her position, but nice, which was enough for the daughter of Flora. Then there was Leo who seemed like a hoot. He was funny, crazy smart, and he was clearly good friends with her sister. The last person was Annabeth, who reminded Zara a little bit of her aunt, or what she could remember of the infamous Gianna Storm. She was a serious person and she really just wanted the daughter of Athena to relax, hopefully take the pressure off of her somehow.

And the last Greek, apparently, was her own sister. Andromeda Storm. Zara could tell she was exhausted based off of the dark circles under her amethyst eyes and the way her red curls seemed frizzier than usual, which was not just because of the humidity—although that did make it worse. She had been clinging to someone at all times, almost like she was afraid to be alone, like she couldn't trust herself to be, well, on her own. Like she was afraid of something that would come with being the only person in the room, which had put all of them on edge slightly. If someone like Andromeda was feeling this way, then they pretty much all had reason to worry. That and the fact that she wasn't feeling the best, which was clearly code for something. But even that, Zara couldn't figure it out.

With a sigh, Zara leaned against the wall, the one that the bed was pushed up against. She was wearing a maroon sweater that she had taken from Donnie's closet at home, and her hands pulled at the frayed strings at the end of her light wash jeans, her old Rebooks—that were probably far too dirty and old for her to be wearing—were lying on the floor below her. She looked down at her dark green socks, the ones that had little avocados on them. That pair of socks were Jason's favourite for some reason; he always said that they reminded him of all of the times that she would drag him around to farmers markets in the smaller, more secluded places near New Rome and buy at least five avocados, all at different ripe-ness, at a time because she needed to have some for later, but some that she could have right away. Zara was a lover of fruits and vegetables and was always forcing her friends and family into eating them, at least twice a day to stay healthy. But the reason behind all of that came from a much darker memory, ones that stem from her mom, Vera, and her lack of appetite in her last few months before she passed away.

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