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After talking and making out with Chibs we headed back inside and joined the rest. 

I knew that since things with chibs is changing and things for me is changing that I was gonna be leaving Oakland and heading to Charming.

I am gonna miss this place after living here and being around them for so long. it's like I'm a college kid moving out of the house and leaving for outta state college when I'm just going an hour away.

When the sons were shown where they were to stay for the night. of course, I told Chibs he's gonna be staying with me. 

Once they all were settled and things were claiming down I talked with Marcus and them telling them what was fully gonna happen before 

We spent the rest of the night cutting up and just doing as we always had before we all bid each other good night than headed off to bed.

The next morning I started packing up my things and loading up my car while Chibs talked wit JT about what was going on so he'd know why I was gonna be heading back to Charming.

"Hey Kyra if you need I can use dad's truck to help you move some of your things," Ez says

"I don't have much Ez. but thank you anyways"I tell him

"do you all have a place to live?" he asked

"I hope so I mean we never talked about that last night I was just telling him the news about him gonna be a dad." I replied as I zipped the last of my bags up.

 he grabbed them for me and walked out with me.

"Well I hope he has a place to live and you don't have to sleep in the clubhouse anymore" he says

"its not that bad" I assured him

"Yea but its no place for baby" he says

"I know Ez. and I'll find something if he doesn't have a house" I tell him

"Promise?" he asked

"cruzar mi corazón" I replied

he nodded his head and loaded up the back of my car before hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you" he says

"I'm gonna miss you and everyone else" I tell him

"don't be stranger," he says

"same goes for you." I replied

we headed back in and I go around talking to the others for a bit as I hug them all bye and tell them to keep in touch and to visit some time and I'd do my best to do the same.

After all the goodbyes and bee safe were said and done I blew everyone a kiss as climbed in my car and followed the sons to my new home.

We pulled into what I assume to be their clubhouse and the cover up for their real money buissnes.

I parked next to a SUV and climbed out before I walked over towards Chibs.

"time to introduce you to the others" he says

"alright" I say

he takes my hand and we follow JT and them inside.

Once the introductions is fully down thats when the nosy questions start being asked.

"what happened between Chibs and I are just that. between him and I not everyone and they momma." I replied

"don't have to be a fucking bitch about it" a sleezy girl who i assume to be a crow eater said.

"you haven't seen a fucking bitch yet. but you keep running your disease trap and I'll show you a bitch" I warned

she glared at me before she walked off.

"thought so" I say

"so your the racer huh?"

I nodded my head anwserign the lady that stood with JT

"I'm Kyra" I replied

"Gemma" she says

"nice to meet you" I tell her

"you as well" she says

"so where are the two of you gonna live,since this is your residency?" a mohawk guy asked

I had met him before but his name slipped my mind.

"I have a home Juice. so we will be living there." Chibs replied

"that small apartment for three people?" tig or as I call him curly top asked

"Its' gonna have to do" CHibs says

"if its an issue with a place to live I'm sure I can find somewhere and than go from there. it'd be no problem" I tell 'em

"its not gonna be cause  I know of a great little place that's a perfect family home" Gemma says

"where is it?" chibs asked

"about a few miles down the road from my place" she replied

"we'll go check it out tomowwor and go from there" he says

I agreed with him.

"in the mean time where will you two sleep?" A tall guy who was introduced as Opie asked

"here" Chibs says

"that way my things are stole when this lot is locked up." I added

"fair enough" he says

Once everything was brought up and discussed we all went separate ways. some of us headed towards the apartments. 

Chibs showed me where his was and let me know where everything was should I want to get cleaned up.


cruzar mi corazón -cross my heart

Racing Towards His Heart (not edited & its completed)Where stories live. Discover now