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I put my hair up.

"she's by CHibs" he says

"double fuckign whammy for that skank" I replied as  walked further in the clubhouse.

I seen Chibs ignore her but she is to stupid to fucking unswerstand the meaning of the word no.

I walked over and snatcher her hair so hard I could hear it pulling out of her scalp making her scream.

I dropped her ass before I pulled my gun and shot her in the fucking leg before I did some serious damage to her.

"you fucking destroyed my fucking car then thought you'd have leeway to my ol'man  I think the fuck not whore." I say before shooting her in the other leg.

"you ever touch my car, my man again the next shot will be a third eye" I warned

 "I'm sorry" she cried

"No your not. you thought I'd not do anything to you for fucking my car up, but she see I had shot your ass after pulling your extensions and real hair out. " I say

"I was stupid," she says

"yea you was  and then when you tried touching my Scottish man you went from stupid to just plain ignorant," I tell her

She laid there sobbing.

Chibs ordered to prospect to take the bloody whore away.

 I put the safety back on and I pointed at Chibs.

"Be glad you was fucking tell her no. or you'd be up the fucking shit creek" I tell him before I walked

"I love you" I heard some of the other ol ladies say

"Love you too" I replied as I kept walking.

"I wasn't gonna touch her" Chibs says as he followed me.

"thats why I said be glad you said no" I tell him as I cleaned my hands.

"you ok?" he asked

"im fine and so is our little bean" I replied

"when is your next appointment to find out for sure how far you are so we can fully get thingsset up in our new place and not only ready for us but them as well?" he asked

"couple weeks" I replied

"Just remind me and I'll do my best to be there" he says

I nodded my head before I walked up to him grabbed his Kutte and pulled him to me and kissed the fuck out of him.

He wrapped his arms around me as I let his Kutte go and done the same to him.

He lifted me up in his arms and carried out of the bathroom to the room and sat me at the foot of the bed before he pulled back a bit till I grabbed his face and turned his head and started licking his scar before turning his face the other way licking his other scar.

"never had a woman do that to me. they always were grossed out" he voiced

"cause they was stupid skanks who don't know how to  accept beautiful flaws," I replied

"I love the fact that you not only lick them but kiss them as well as soak them in your juices," he says

"they are so capturing  and as I said a beautiful flaw" I tell him

he smiled before going back to kissing me again.

Racing Towards His Heart (not edited & its completed)Where stories live. Discover now