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Since that crow eating skank fucked my car up and I shot her ass, I've been handling shipments for the sons as I had with the Mayans.

When I went to the doctor I found out I was three months exactly and that things for little bean were running smoothly that nothing was at risk or going wrong.

Now here I am four in a half months almost five and I'm racing after the fuck nut that kidnapped Abel.

He parked and climbed out and I ran over him pinning him under my car  before I slipped out and grabbed Abel slipping him into the car seat in my car before I called Jax and told him and to get to the docks that I have his son and Cameron.

After talking with him I went to make sure nothing of Abel's was in the car.

it wasn't to long before guys showed up.

"where is he?" Jax asked running over.

"cameron is pinned under my tires while Abel is sleeping in the seat" I say pointing to abel then Cameron.

"thank you so much.I don't know how you managed to catch him but I'll forever be in your debut" Jax says

"guess its early motherly instinct" I shruged 

he nodded before I slipped into my car and pulled y car off Cameron's legs.

he screamed out as the guys lifted him up.

"shut up. this isn't the worse thats gonna happen to your fucking ass you piece of shit" Jax says

Tig gagfged him while Opie tied him up before they tossed him in the back of the van.

"did you see Tara or Kip?" Jax asked

"no, but I'll swing by your place and check it out" I tell him

"thanks" he says

"no problem" I tell him as I fastened my seat and headed off towards Jax's place.

I climbed out and got Abel out and put him in the Papoose I had in the back where I just purchased it.

I was careful not to touch anything as I slipped inside and checked everything out.

"I rushed over to Kip and carefully pulled him up before I took him to my car after I wrapped him in a blanket and put Abel back in the care seat fastening him in before I jumped in my car and sped to the hospital. where I grabbed Abel and put him back in the Papoose before I ran in.


some nurses grabbed a gurney before they followed me out and opened the passenger door and I got him out removed the over and laid him on the bed before rushing off.

 I was quick to park my car and lock it up before I rushed off and tossed the blanket before I went to ask where the guy went that just came in was.

"Who are you to him?" the nurse asked

"sister" I fibbed

she told me the floor to go to and I rushed off to where she said and asked the nurse there about him telling her as I told the nurse downstairs who I was.

she told me he was rushed in for emergency surgery.

"can you give me his vest, and items please?" I asked

she nodded and walked off to get them before handing them over then pointed to the waiting area.

When she walked off I carefully got Abel out and tended to him before I called Chibs to tell him what was going on and where I was at.

I was sitting there for a really long time before a doctor came out.

"Ms. Epps?" he asked

"yes?" I replied

"your brother is lucky that you brought him in. we managed to remove the bullet and fix his gut. we got the bleeding stopped and made sure nothing else was needing tended to. had you gotten him here any later you would've lost him" he says

"thank you so much" I say

 "I'll have a nurse come get you when he's moved to a room" he says

I smiled and thanked him again before I sat back down just as the guys arrived.

Jax walked over and took Abel while they asked what was going on. so I told them what I was told.

" did you fib?" Opie asked

"how else could I get information without telling them I'm his sister?" I asked

"smart" he says

I nodded my head

"he's not been hurt or anything. I checked him over, he's mainly fuzzy since he's probably hungry if not got a dirty butt" I tell Jax.

"thank you again" he says

"welcome. as for Tara. I never seen her when I went into your place so I don't know anything about her wearabouts" I tell him

"I'll handle it" he says

I nodded my head before I removed the Papoose. 

"this Kip's?" Tig asked holding up the bag with the Kutt and Kips other personal items

"yea I asked the nurse to give them to me so I can hold them and they not get damaged.


I walked over


"is this the rest of his family?" she asked

"Yea I'm the only girl out of the bunch of boys" I replied

"poor girl" she says

I chuckled while agree with her while the others smirked

she showed me where Kip's room was before I thanked her and took a seat.

"your one hell of a fighter. I guess thats the military in you. not wanting to give up like a good soldier you are" I verbalized

"guess so. thank you for saving my life" he says groggily.

"I think of you as a brother and friend of course I'm gonna save you. like I'm sure without being ordered to do so you'd done the same for me." I replied

"I would" he says

"I know. now get some rest. you've got a lot of healing to do" I tell him

he nodded his head before going back to sleep.

Racing Towards His Heart (not edited & its completed)Where stories live. Discover now