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Surprisingly enough when Chibs got back that's when my Mayan family showed up.

Now I can kill two birds with one stone.

we all hung out talked and got caught up since we last saw each other with Chibs being gone for two in a half weeks and my Mayan brothers gone the same length things were bound to occur in that length of time.

When things started to wind down from the catching up I decided to share the news.

 I stood up and faced everyone and whistled getting the place quiet.

 "all right now that everyone is here. It's time to share the gender of little Telford" I saty loudly.

"yea.. finally" Angel says

I smiled

"now before I do this I want a show of hands who is thinking I'm carrying a girl?" I asked

angel,Marcus,jax,juice,tig,& Ez raised their hands

"Now show of hands for boy" I tell them

the rest raised their hands.

"you are corrected I'm carrying a mini Filip" I replied

the sounds of cheering filled the clubhouse as they all got excited.

Chibs walked over and kissed me.

"a lad?" he asked

"a little lad baby" I replied 

He smiled and kissed me again before everyone came over and congratulated us.

"another son" TIg says

"or whatever they wanna be. heck could follow in their mom's footsteps and be a racer" I replied

"eso es todo lo que necesitamos es otro pie de plomo " Angel says

"I'm not a lead foot thank you" I replied

"no just speedy" Marcus replied

I smiled while shrugging.

"it gets the job done in less time than a bike" I replied

"cause we don't have trunk to haul the shipments," Angel says

"so you all need this "lead foot" to haul it" I replied

"we've got vans" some prospect for the Mayans commented

"who fuckign asked you?" I replied

"no one I'm just putting my two cents in" he replied

"well keep them out of my conversation with my family" I replied

"who are you?" he asked

"your worst nightmare if you don't show fucking respect" I replied

"your nothing but ...." he went to talk but angel and Cruz as well as Chibs pulled their guns on him

"te reto a terminar esa maldita frase" Coco says

the prospect looked wide eyed and shook his head.

"don't show disrespected to my ol lady again" Chibs told him

"sorry" he says

"better be" Angel repied

the prospect looked down in shame while the guys put their guns away.

"thank you gentlemen" I replied

the looked at me and smiled.


eso es todo lo que necesitamos es otro pie de plomo -thats all we need is another lead foot.

te reto a terminar esa maldita frase- dare you to finish that fucking sentence.

Racing Towards His Heart (not edited & its completed)Where stories live. Discover now