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"Tracking Meteorite
Crash course Arklay mountains
Dispatching Umbrella Security Service for Investigation"


"Command we've made it to the crash site, awaiting further orders"
"Investigate the source of power and retrieve it"
"Understood moving out"
"Wonder what it is we're packaging now?"
"Commands intel reports that when it entered the atmosphere all electronics went crazy and now the power has been erratic all across Raccoon City"
"Hey did you guys hear about the mansion incident?"
"Heard Umbrella has lots a lot of suits there, including Albert Wesker"
"The man in the shades dead? See I told you Jenkins he wasn't so tough pay up"
"Fuck you Aaron, not until I've seen the body myself"
"Sweet dreams my guy but I want my money after this goose chase"
If our leaders sent us out here to retrieve a power source then Raccoon City will be left in the dark, leaving small amounts of bio weapons to leak within the city streets.
"Alright you heard command, let's move and watch your six, the t-virus is still active in this area"
Umbrellas viral weaponry. Ever since I joined Umbrella, I've noticed new players, new chains of commands, I got a feeling our mission is Umbrellas peak, other than that I can't be a part of the corporation any longer for the things they've done.
The t-virus and even more dangerous the G-virus.
We were approaching the crashed meteor.
"Fire is gonna draw the dead here within minutes so Doc do your readings"
Myka Martinez. The Doctor. He looked like he shouldn't be in the field. I don't get paid to defend petty scientist.
He held a radiator to scan for radiation. "No radiation detected but I'm picking up life readings"
"ET phone home anybody?"
Kay gee, mostly in this for the money but can be unpredictable. "This is no Alien matter. Command, confirmed reports no alien presence" Myka made the call.
"Understood, finish your investigation and move to extract the source, Command out"
"Are we getting paid to dig out a body in a crashed satellite?"
Rhys Jones. Our sharp shooter. One of Umbrellas finest.
"This ain't no satellite but whatever's inside has great significance"
The doc started to cut through the rock then there was a howl in the distants. "Keep the dead off of me"
Never heard the zombies scream like that unless these zombies were wounded and died only to become crimson heads.
Stronger and faster versions of undead.
"Almost through...remember your training and aim for the head"
The doctor told us cutting through rock.
The undead came screeching at us and we all decided to start firing away.
Their skin mutated and turned red. Hair and finger nails continue to grow making them deadlier than the normal unreal walking zombie.
I fired my weapon killing two of them.
Bullets ripped through the bullet like a knife through butter but try shooting the body. It will only grow stronger and hungrier. Driving it's blood lust and turning it insane.
They needed to be put down immediately. I fired my weapon putting one down.
"Damn things are bring back up!"
"Stand your ground"
The zombies behind them started to appear. If the mansion is destroyed where the hell are these things coming from.
I inserted a clip into ak47u.
I started picking my shots killing zombies where they stand.
"Grenade out!"
Aaron was known for his love for explosives. Good thing he can take the heat off.
"Almost through!"
Myka was cutting when all of a sudden electricity sparked out throwing Myka off his feet.
"You alright Doc"
"I'm fine...get back"
The electricity begun to take shape into a human shape. Then it's eyes were glowing golden yellow. "What are our orders?"
"Blast it?"
"Nein! Do that you might provoke it!"
"This is Command, do not engage I repeat do not engage, capture and contain!"
Jones fired his rifle but the bullet only went through.
"What have you done?"
The being reacted with a sense of fear then sprouted lightning from its finger tips. Electrocuting everything in its wake.
Undead and even setting trees on fire.
"Take cover!"
I told everyone. We all gathered behind a fallen tree conserving our ammo.
Did that thing just speak?!
Myka ran out to it. "Doc no dammit!"
The being floated in the air looking down upon us. "It's alright...my name is Myka Von Richtofen Martinez, I work for Umbrella...do you understand me?"
The being begin to lower itself and stood on too feet.
"I understand...Umbrella...I thought they were gone...what year is it?"
"Where are we?"
"On the outskirts of Raccoon City"
The electricity started to fuzzed back into action.
"Raccoon city...1998, my god it worked...there isn't much time...I must get into the city...huh, wait Myka? You don't remember me?"
"Should I know you?"
"We fought together before"
I stood by Mykas side. "Orders sir?"
"Let me show you the truth, our plan worked Myka but if Umbrella is still here, we have work to do"
"What kind of Work? What the hell is going on?"
"Charlie team report"
Then our radios shorted out. "You won't be needing those anymore"
"What the hell are you?"
"More than Umbrella could ever imagine"
Myka and the thing held hands and Myka fell back looking around. "Mein Gott...Bell is that you?"
"In the flesh...well not exactly...I need a fresh power source to make me whole again but my mission is to find my brother..."
"You don't mean..."
"Where is Jp Masaki?"
That name. Jp masaki. Let alone Masaki.
"Your name is Bell...Bell Masaki"
Bell looked at me.
"Okay what the fuck is going on here?"
"We're going to find my brother...your mission just came to a close unless you want to Bitch out and get eaten by them"
We all turned to look at the undead fried by electricity. "What did you have in mind?"
"We March straight into Raccoon City before it is too late"
"Too late for what?"
"To stop Umbrella from destroying the world...I will keep in contact. Umbrella just became your number one enemy...it's time we pay them a visit"
Whoever this guy is must know the real deal. Paid or not, what was in it for us?
We had one goal. Stop Umbrella and we save the world. The electricity sparked again leaving all of us staring at the city.

So begins the fall of Raccoon City

RESIDENT EVIL PT.2 FALL OF RACCOON CITYWhere stories live. Discover now