In Raccoon City's last hours...Umbrella has gone dark. The t-virus is now airborne and it's up to our heroes to endure Umbrellas hellish army of the bio weapons.
William Birkin Point of View September 23rd, 1998 Below Raccoon City
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I stared at the syringe of my precious work. My G-virus. "It's Sheer Perfection My G-virus. No one will take you away from me" "William what have you been doing down here?" I looked up slowly at Annette holding Sherry. "Gods work" I quickly answered. I then began packing the rest of my research into a case containing the t-virus and the g-virus. I then heard something from a far and realized they were coming. Just as I predicted. "Annette take Sherry and get out of here. Get out of Raccoon" "What's happening William?" "The t-virus has infected the people living In the city and Isaacs has abandoned us. He sent in multiple teams and agents to recover Umbrellas prized research...G" "What about the board? Couldn't we contact them?! There has to be something we can do!" "There isn't! Take Sherry Now!" I quickly grabbed my gun and readied my other possessions quick as possible. "Daddy?!" I looked back to see them one more time not knowing if this would be my last. Sherry and Annette were out of the room right before a squad entered the room. "So you've finally come" I breathed realizing this may be my last. "I don't believe we've met Doctor...Birkin?" I turned to them and saw that this was no ordinary squad. Just people with guns. "Your not Umbrella...who do you work for?" "No one...we're here to save lives doctor, we just need your cooperation" One of them I did recognize. "Myka?" "Birkin...we've come for the Anti-virus" "Sorry but I won't hand over Company Products" "The people of Raccoon City need that us save them" He begged. "It's too late for that now...Soon Umbrellas soldiers will arrive to collect my precious G-virus" "We did not come for that...just the cure for the t-virus" "Jp? Is that you?" "My name is Bell Masaki Doctor, you have the ability to save lives...why don't you? Why kill over ten thousand people to save the very thing killing them?" "A twin brother? After all these years he has a twin know Jp would have made an excellent specimen...him and that woman of his" "What did you just say?" The twin stepped forward but Myka held him back. The lights started to spark in the room. The twins eyes were glowing with electricity. An excellent specimen indeed. I shook my head and chuckled. "It was that bastard Cain that did this...he allowed the t-virus to escape into the water matter i am leaving with my research and no one will stop me" Myka then drew his gun. "Birkin please...Umbrella has bigger plans than the g-virus!" "One where I don't no, I have a way of preventing Umbrella from getting what they want...through the g-virus and I'm not letting anyone...ANYONE TAKE IT!" After a moment of silence I finally drew my gun but froze when I was shot three times by someone else. I staggered at first and fell to my knees. "Birkin! No no...stay awake. He's losing a lot of blood!" Myka tried to save me. "Vials...vials!" I pushed the vials towards Annette who hid behind the corner. "Hey!" Myka yelled chasing after her. More Gunshots. "Your never get your hands on the G-virus!" She yelled. I coughed up blood and looked at the syringe. "ATTENTION ALL STAFF...THERE HAS BEEN A LEVEL 3 BIOHAZARD LEAK WITHIN THE FACILITY...DESTROY THE DESIGNATED MATERIALS AND REPORT TO THE MAIN ELEVATOR FOR EVACUATION" I stared at the vents and saw a Umbrella Soldier with a gas mask staring down at me. "Command Annette Birkin has the samples, awaiting orders" "Retrieve those samples at all cost, kill anything in your path" "Orders received moving to secure" No! They'll kill my family for My G-virus. I then hold the vial and realized. In my last dying moments. " creation will save me...ughhhh mnh!" I injected myself with the vial right before Myka came back with his men. "Birkin...hey your alright...let's get you patched up" I then showed him the vial and snickered. "They won't get away that easy" I told him. He was shocked and didn't know what to do. "We are so fucked!" He cursed. "What is it?" "He injected himself with the G-virus!" " worse is this virus?" "Worse than the t-virus! We need to leave!" "What about the Anti-virus?!" " I will stay down here and search for it!" "I'll stay with you until we find it" I began to cough up blood. "Let's get out of here" "G IS MY CREATION!!!" Myka shook his head. "Birkin...I'm sorry" Myka held a gun pointed towards my chest and I smiled. "You won't live to see the dawn...ugh!!! Argh! HEEELP ME!" I will have my revenge on Umbrella and All that stand in my way. I would have absolute revenge. He then pressed the trigger twice and I gasped feeling the g-virus take over. My creation will save me. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ Mykas point of View
I ended Birkins life and looked at Bell. "He was one of your colleagues?" I nodded. "Brilliant Scientist...but his greed costed him his own life and now soon his family" "We need to move before he gets up again" Aaron said. I told everyone. Bell nodded. "Lets go" The facility was contaminated by the T-virus. We'd have to fight our way out. ❌❌❌❌❌
The dead started to overrun much of the facility and to add more to our situation. Umbrella has dispatched the Umbrella Security Service. Hunk... otherwise known as Mr. Death. Which I thought Kaleb was Hunk. "It seems your comrade is around" "Hunk, I should have known" "We were trained to handle bio-weapons but fighting Death itself is like fighting a ghost of you Kaleb" Jones added. "Not to mention Umbrella's other cronies" Gee added. "Not sure why I sighed up with a Doctor and an Electric man" Kaleb muttered. "Because your expendable to Umbrella and like it or not you may be afraid of this ghost but he's dealing with me...not an electric man but the very ghost that went after Perseus during the Cold War in the 80s so keep your shit tight and watch yourselves and we WILL make it out of here got it" Bell was very crucial when it came to uplifting downed spirits. That's why I follow him hoping to be as encouraging and brave as he is. We made it to a door and I had the code to open it. I began typing numbers but suddenly a loud menacing roar startled all of us. The G-virus has brought him back.
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Then we heard gunfire and screaming. That would be Hunks team getting massacred to whatever Birkin had become. "Come on man..." Bell urged me before standing over the catwalk. The console beeped and the door opened and revealed zombies on the other side. "Shit!" I aimed my Luger and fired. Kaleb and Jones assisted me. "Fuck!" I yelled as a zombie tackled me to the railing. I struggled to push the zombie off of me but it insisted on eating me. "Nein!" I strained and threw the zombie off of me and watched it fall down below the railing. "We have to go!" I called for Bell but he was suddenly thrown by Birkin in his mutated form. "Argh! Such a wonderful specimen...indeed!" I aimed my Luger at Birkin. "All that knowledge and cling to the idea of saving think your a hero...your father would be disappointed" I looked at Bell and we both grinned. "You don't know anything about me!" I yelled. "Don't I? Umbrella keeps...tabs on everything...Dr. Edward Richtofen...Scientists of Group 935" "How did you-" He continued to mutate. "Such disappointment...what a waste of time and could have been used for so much more" I had enough of his crap. I yelled firing my pistol walking up to him. Every bullet made its mark but not enough to kill him. I fired all my rounds and heard a clicking sound. Birkin roared and sprinted towards me. "Myka!" Bell used his electricity to blow parts of the facility. Shaking the catwalk. "We have to go!" Aaron yelled. I was pulled back by Bell and Kaleb and we all ran. Birkin tried to catch up but was caught by the falling debris. The doors shut behind us and we were left facing the undead. "Time to get back dirty" Bell told me. I reloaded my pistol and aimed.