SEPTEMBER 30th, 1998
JPS POINT OF VIEWI ran up dodging the tyrants claws sliding around it and thrusting my saber into the side of the tyrant and punching it multiple times. The saber burned through its flesh allowing me enough time to force it on its knees. The tyrant let out a howl and grabbed my face with its good hand and I felt my body hit the platform.
"Help him!"
Alyssa called out firing her pistol.
Suddenly a rang of bullets started flying over. It let out a snarl and called Bells saber to me. I yelled swatting at the Tyrant multiple times. "Is that all you got?"
The tyrant howled again charging ripping his claws through fallen debris from the explosions shattering the facility all around us.
"Nothing is taking the son of a bitch down!"
Kaleb yelled firing his assault rifle. The bullets made their mark but they only pissed off the tyrant even more.
I charged again swinging the saber but every time I swung the wound would just heal itself.
"He's not going down that easy" Leon said.
I plunged my saber into its exposed organs as it roared in pain trying to grab me. I yanked out the saber only to be knocked out of the way. I landed on my side and groaned.
"This one as hell"
"No...the t-virus inside keeps regenerating its body. He'll soon burn out from the damage"
I realized what can kill this thing. "You got any grenades left"
"Damn I used it on that Birkin monster"
"Claire. What about that Grenade launcher?"
"I have 3 acid rounds. They'll only stun the fucker"
"We're fucked"
I held the saber closely. "What do we do now?!"
The tyrant was getting back up from regenerating. "Fight like hell" I told everyone. We were all about to attack but the walls bursted into flames and in came the Birkin Monster. It happened so quickly that the tyrant didn't see it coming and was crushed to death.
The platform stopped and the train was dead ahead. "Run!" Leon yelled. The Birkin monster started to come after us but was soon crushed by the fallen debris.
"2 minutes until self destruct!"
We all sat into the train. I ran towards the front car looking for the lever to start the train. "Here" Leon flipped a switch and the power came on. I saw a lever and pulled it. The train jerked forward slowly and started to move. "We're going to make it" I breathed holding Alyssa.
"Everyone just sit tight and relax"
Myka told everyone.
The trains speed was accelerating and we all took a breather.
"You okay?"
Gwen asked sitting next to Leon. "Today has been a long day and I'd like to have a moments rest. Thank you Jp"
I nodded smiling. "It's not over yet"
Claire and Myka looked at me. "We still have people in Raccoon"
Alyssa added. I really wanted her to go with everyone else but I didn't bother to stop her. She'd go where I'd go.
"Let us help you"
"No your mission is to secure the samples of the g-virus. I gotta see this through"
"Your not coming with us?"
Gwen asked. "We have other plans. Get Sherry away from Raccoon City into Gatlin. Umbrella will have us put their tabs the entire time. So be on your guard. Raccoon City only has a day left until the 1st"
"What's happening on the 1st?"
Gwen asked.
"What always happens when you can't contain something...sterilization of Raccoon City"
Everyone was shocked. "What?"
"The entire town? They can't do this!"
"They're still people in the city"
"Which is why we're going back"
I told them. "Besides Bell might have the power to stop it. He did it before he'll do it again"
Myka then walked up to me pulling out a device I haven't seen for a long time.
"The Vril Key"
"I remade it. Give it to Bell. He'll know what to do. I can't guarantee that this will be the key to save this City"
"Wha-why not?!"
The train rumbled and we all heard a loud growling noise. "What the fuck?!"
"Everyone head to the front of the train car. Protect Sherry"
Sherry hugged her before she went with me. Alyssa hugged her back and the train continued to rumble.
Me and Alyssa ran to the back of the train to find the disturbance.
"Once we get out of Raccoon, I wouldn't mind a nice shower"
"Ohh I know. You smell"
I chuckled. "Way to rub it in my face"
"Well that stench from the sewers has kept come from you for a while and I haven't had a chance to maul on you"
I chuckled.
"Wait till we find a working shower"
"Ohh we'll find one"
The train rumbled again. The growling was right above us. We both looked at each other and pulled out our guns.
Thr roof of the train car was ripped to shreds and it seems the Birkin monster managed to hitch a ride. "Why won't you just stay dead?!"
We both fired our guns at the creature but they did little to nothing to hurt it. The monster roared using its claws to rip apart the train.

ActionIn Raccoon City's last hours...Umbrella has gone dark. The t-virus is now airborne and it's up to our heroes to endure Umbrellas hellish army of the bio weapons.