In Raccoon City's last hours...Umbrella has gone dark. The t-virus is now airborne and it's up to our heroes to endure Umbrellas hellish army of the bio weapons.
I ran up dodging it's claws and spun around swinging my saber through its side and kicking it back into a wall. I swung multiple times wounding it critically while everyone else shot at it. "Is that all you got Jp?! Figured I'd should have killed you years ago!" I was then sent flying as Birkin threw a punch at me. I hit the wall hard and got on all fours. I coughed and breathed slowly. "I don't feel sad having to kill any of your friends...not even you Alyssa" "No!" Birkin grabbed Alyssa as she choked. "No!" Claire ran up ramming her knife into Birkins throat. He screeched and spat out blood. Alyssa fell to the ground coughing. Leon assisted by shooting the large spore eye on its shoulders. It was a weak point. "This is for my brother!" Claire threw a grenade at the creature and Birkin was sent flying over the rail by the explosion. He screamed as he fell. Gwen helped Alyssa up and me. "You pack one hell of a punch" She told us both. I shrugged it off and winced. "Ohh my god are you okay?" "Yeah probably just a cracked rib or two" "Can you walk?" "I'll be fine. Lets find a way out of here...Leon" "I'm on it" Leon shined his light moving a fallen shelf back into place. "Where did the little girl go?" "I'm right here!" She waved. "Hey kiddo. We're okay...we're not going to hurt you at all. We're here to help" I told her. "You don't have any idea of why that thing was chasing you?" Alyssa spoke. "That thing...used to daddy" "Wait then that means your-" "Sherry" "Birkin" I got down on one knee. "Where's your mother?" Claire asked. "She works in a underground lab with Umbrella. She sent me here to go to the orphanage to wait for her" "Then that's our next move" Dee said. We all walked through the corridor and saw a ladder leading up. I climbed up first looking for signs of the dead. It was clear. ❌❌❌❌❌ THE PARKING GARAGE
I came up first and helped Sherry and Alyssa up. "That's the way out" Sherry pointed. Everyone else came up and looked around. Sherry ran towards the door only to be grabbed by someone. "Ahh! Let me go!" "There you are...I've been looking all over for you Sherry" "Dad?!"
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Alyssa called out. "Alyssa? Your alive? Shit a bunch of you are. You all saved me the trouble of looking for this little one" He quickly pulled out a gun and fired towards me and I grunted in pain clutching my stomach. Son of a bitch shot me! FUCKING SHOT ME! "Bralin!" Alyssa got in front of me defending me. I grunting in pain. "Why?" I asked. "Ever since Wesker sent you to that damn mansion you just won't die. Well now I have leverage and a mission to finish. Alyssa tell your friends to drop their weapons and you come with me" Alyssa shook her head. "Chief! Don't do this! There's a lot of things at stake here!" Leon spoke with his hand out. "You must be the rookie. Kinda late to the party. Well in case you didn't know half of this city is zombie chow and the other half is siding with Umbrella to live. You all could have stayed clean if it wasn't for him and his electric brother!" "Dad leave Bralin Sherry out of this..." He aimed for my head. "Drop your weapons or I shoot him. Now" I breathed hard still clutching my lower stomach. I was bleeding. I could attract zombies from a far. This wasn't good. At all. My stomach burns! Everyone dropped their guns and Alyssa looked at me. "Alyssa" I croaked. "I'll be fine...just don't hurt him please" She came over to his side. "Chief...I know what happens to men like you in the end. Tell me. Do you like to watch others suffer or see the job done" Gwen asked. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked. "Currently the third wheel. Gwendolyn Sparrow. RPDs archivist. Not yours anyway. Ask yourself do you really want to do this?" The chief was breathing lightly and nodded. "You know...your right I do want this. For the greater good" He fired another round towards my heart and I fell back coughing. "NO! NO! BRALIN!" Alyssa sobbed and cried out. "Let's go you two!" Gwen came In my view as I stared at the ceiling. "Dammit Jp! I'm sorry" she took a knife and slit her wrist. "Wha...What doing?!" I coughed breathing hoarsely. "I'm saving you" Her blood was silver. What the actual fuck?!! She dropped it onto my wounds and suddenly I started to heal fast as I sat up both bullets fell out of my body. My eyes were normal. I was human again. "What did you do?" Claire asked. "In my time. I was project moondrop. My blood is silver thanks to the experiments Umbrella did too me" Claire ran towards the shutters. The parking garage shutters were closing. "WERE GONNA GET YOU FUCKER!" Claire yelled. "He missed your heart. How do you feel?" "Human again. Can't say I miss it" Gwen's frown went from relief to shock. "Ohh I'm sorry" "Nah don't worry about it. I figured I'd get cured at some point" "Who is that?" "Don't move!" Dee and Leon aimed their guns at a person that walked into the garage. A woman. I know this woman. "You" I breathed. "Your the one I was looking for...Ada Wong"