"Back off Sue"

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"Wow she got that for you?!" Mace said after wiping his tears away. "Yeah I cried too when I saw it." "God you found a wonderful woman little bro" mace smiled. "Way to show me up Amy." Victoria joked. "Yeah I wanted to get him something special for his birthday." I said sipping on brandy. "Well then I say you accomplish that." She smiled. The door knocks once more. "Oh that must be shadow and the others I'll go get it!" I smiled heading to the door. When I open it instead of seeing our friends there was a pink and purple echidna standing there. Her blue eyes were absolutely stunning and body like a goddess. "Hello" I smiled. "Is knuckles here?" "Yes he is come in" I smile and she hands me her purse and coat. "I would also like a glass of wine if you don't mind." She said. "Well the glasses are on the bottom shelf of the top right cabi-" "I'm sorry aren't you a maid? You get it for me." She said. "No I live here. My name is Amy Rose I'm Knuckles girlfriend or his mate to be exact." I smile but it fades once I see her face. "Oh really?" She said looking up and down at me in disgust. "Guess he really lowered his taste in women" she smirked and flips her hair walking towards the living room. "Hey Amy who's at the d- Julie Sue?" He froze. "Happy birthday knuckie~" she purred and hugged him. He pushes her off. "I see you already met my wonderful girlfriend" he said walking to me and kissing my cheek. "Oh yeah her" she huffed. "Hey if your not going to treat her with respect in our home then you can leave." Knuckles said sternly. "Fine I'm sorry" she said half assed and walked into the living room. "Who is she?" I asked knuckles and he sighs. "My ex girlfriend......" "why is she here?" "Probably because her and Victoria are cousins...." "Oh so they are close?" He nods. "Well as long as she don't try anything it's ok" I smile which surprises him. "Are you sure?" He said worried before I give him a kiss. "Look as far as I know you marked me I'm your mate for life correct?" He nods. "So if she tries anything She's gonna regret it" I smile. "I love you and your calm but terrifying attitude" he smiles wrapping his arm around me and kisses me. "Knuckles come on I got a game on!" Mace hollered. "Go spend time with your brother I'll bring in some snacks." "Ok babe" he kisses my head and goes join his brother. I walk into the kitchen and hear Julie Sue talking to Victoria. "Sooooo just between you and me what do you think about.....Amy was it?" Julie Sue asked in a snobby way. "I actually love her Sue she's very kind, understands knuckles, even helped him during his bloodlust which no offense you couldn't even do and even though she's mortal she fits in very easily with the vampire crowd." Victoria said which made me smile. "Seriously be honest" Julie Sue asked not believing her. "Sue look just because you and knuckles never mated doesn't mean you should ruin his happiness. I was hoping once you see how happy he is you stop your obsession with him." "THAT WAS YOUR MISTAKE!" She yelled. "Know what I will get him back even if I have to drain the pink whore myself!" "YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!" I hear knuckles yell. "I WARNED YOU TO BACK OFF SUE SO GRAB YOUR COAT AND LEAVE MY HOUSE! YOU WILL NOT LAY A FANG ON AMY YOU GOT THAT?! AND IF YOU EVER COME NEAR HER, HURT HER, OR ANYTHING TO HER I WILL PERSONALLY TURN YOU TO DUST!" Knuckles yelled. I peeked through and see his eyes glowing that blueish purple again. "LEAVE!" He finished. She hisses at him and storms off. I soon hear the front door slam knocking over a plant. "Wait Victoria where is Amy?" I enter before she said anything. "I'm here baby I was coming in when I heard the yelling...." I said looking down. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping....also I'm sorry she did this on your birthday..." "girl you don't need to apologize for her behavior also I saw your tail when she started yelling." "So you meant what you said about me? That you love me and that I was good for knuckles?" "Every word rose" she smiled hugging me and I hug her back. "Knuckles can I speak with you?" "Um sure?" He said. We walk to the other living room across from the one mace was in. "I know this is sudden knux but......could you..... turn me...." I ask looking up to see his face widen in shock. "Why?" He asked. "Because..... if she really wants to do that to me I would rather be immortalized so I don't loose you..... you are the best thing that has ever happened to me knux...." I said tearing up. He wipes my tears away. "Amy as much as I love to do that I just can't right now...." Knuckles said. I look down in disappointment. "Amy do you truly desire to be with me for eternity and wish for me to turn you?" He asked and I look into his eyes smiling. "Yes of course. I love you I truly do... what do I have to do for you to turn me." I look at him my eyes filled with love for him and he knows it. "There is one thing" "what is it?" He takes my hand and cups the side of my face and I look into his stunning purple eyes glowing in love.

"Will you marry me Amy Rose"

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