Chapter 47

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I followed him taciturnly to another room. Honestly, I was still struck but my perfectionism at sequestering my own expressions got me an advantage.

He opened the door for me, seems like he himself was nervous after what happened.

Yoongi looked up with a bright smile but the fragile curve of his lips immediately dropped as he glanced over me. I felt like an imposter who was caught. What was I even hiding?

"What happened to you?" He asked, tilting his head.

Nothing. I just had a vibe check with God.

I gave a stifled laugh, "What happened to me?"

He was glaring at me as if he could read me. I gave a broad grin, "Why? My Yoongi Boongi is bothered?"

He took huge steps towards me and immediately embraced me, his hands wrapped around my waist. My body realised how much I was craving this, my hands itself tightened around his torso.

My legs felt wobbly and my knees buckled, I was only standing due to our grip upon each other. I didn't care if Taehyung was present, I didn't care of anything that this exhausted world puts upon me.

I was struck and I wanted this warmth. "I- I was scared," I confessed. Fuck therapy, I just need this.

"What happened?" He asked Taehyung, still hugging me. I don't know what the younger's expressions were because I was snuggling into his buff chest, my entire form was trembling like a flame blown by the wind.

"I don't know exactly. I came there and there was a man who was forcing her, so, I punched him straight in his face then the gaurds took charge. He will be arrested," he spoke in his deep vocal register.

Yoongi's already constricting grip strengthened.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, I should have escorted you," he mumbled.

"Yeah I called for you, you weren't there," I replied. No, it was not his obligation to save me but I wanted him to be there. Tears pricked my eyes but I was quick in tucking them in. I thought if I acted like it didn't matter. It wouldn't. Was I always this stupid? Probably.

"I'm sorry," he patted my head. "Taehyung, bring the first aid from the medic."

"First aid? Why?" He asked.

"Because I said so." I heard the door close.

"Calm down," he traced his hand down on my back to console me. Bro shut the fuck up before I look at you one day and feel warm and realise that I have fallen in love with you bro. I'm serious, quit it dude. But, aren't you already feeling warm? Shut the fuck up Jee, I am not talking to you. You are! You are fucking talking to me. Okay whatever my sexy intuition says. Better.

Babygirl, not to disappoint, but something really is wrong with you.

He supported me to the couch and went ahead bringing a water bottle. As I took it from his hands, I saw my shivering hands like the struck guitar strings.

He sat beside me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "You're safe now."

I know but I still just want to be a little bumblebee sitting on a dandelion. Because this human form sucks.

"Say something," he urged. Oh yeah, sorry I was just talking to myself.

"What do you wanna hear?"

"How you got hurt on your neck? Did he..." He gulped, his fists clenching. Anger. Love?

"Did he..." He fumbled yet again.

"I got burnt by a candle, I don't know there were candles and he pushed me. Luckily, my hair didn't burn, duh" I passed, gaining my composure. My hands stopped trembling, my heart beat was back to normal. I warn you Yoongi, don't ever do this again. You make me weak.

"Here Hyung," Taehyung came back and handed him the first aid box. "I am just being called by the manager. Will come back."

Yoongi nodded and faced me again. I was facing the door and I saw him leave. My attention diverted back to Yoongi while he was picking out an ointment. Damn, his hands are sexy. The veins, everything. It's really sexy. I wonder how they feel- okay stop it right there.

He took a pea sized amount of some cream. I know shit about medicine.

"Move your hair," he demanded and I did accordingly, giving him access to the burn. His finger touched my wound gently and I hissed, he clenched his jaw as if he was experiencing it. And that felt amusing to me.

He leaned in slightly, his breath fanning my neck. I gulped. He blew on the burn as if that would help. Don't lie, you like it.

Not gonna lie, his entire form excites every inch of me. It seems electric. It's crazy how one person can impact you so much, how he can force my defences down just by his presence but I am still drawn towards him.

His actions sent tingles all over my body till everything froze. I felt his lips brushing lightly against my neck, raising all the little hair over my body. I quickly moved back and he retreated, a still tedious expression on his face.

"Sorry, I was just blowing," he said. My lips parted to revolt when the door clicked open revealing Mi Hi and Woobin. For sometime, I completely forgot about them.

"Where were you? We were finding you in the entire stadium! Are you out of your rubber ball brain?" Mi berated.

"I lost my way, then I happened to burn myself with a freaking candle. Is this is time to yell?"

I think the lies I have spoken in this life are enough to book me an elite position in hell.

"Oh sorry for that, are you okay?" Woobin conveyed to which I simply nodded. I could see the awkwardness between him and Yoongi.

"Bro, I am sorry," Woobin said. Yoongi stood up from the couch and faced him. There was no such movement I could catch upon in his entire frame except the activity of his eyeballs glaring into Woobin's.

His hand reached the back of his neck, rubbing it.

"I am sorry for doubting you and being rude. It was just in the moment that I could not-"

Woobin abruptly hugged him. Guys we getting live bromance.

"It's okay Yoongi. We were good friends. I am sorry for making you feel like that."

"What's going on here?" A voice came from behind. That heavy voice that was equally bright, as if coming from the chest as a rock but softened at the fruition from the lips. I knew it was Jin even when my view was blocked by James and Kat reunited.

I bent my frame so that I could see him past Yoongi and Woobin.

Man, he looked more handsome than Prince Eric. My breathing hitched, I choked and died.

Not really.

"Oh hey my favourite alpaca!" I greeted.

Fuck! Why do I speak opposite to what I think?

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