Chapter 61

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"WHAT?" Everyone questioned unanimously.

"No," I passed in a pragmatic tone undercut by an overt fear.

"But why?" He questioned, his forehead creased.

Because you are a jellyfish and jellyfish has no brains!

"Because this will affect your reputation. This will affect your band. This will cause the entire entertainment industry to go shit! How the fuck can you decide something like it's choosing a candy? I take more time to even do that!" I yelled.

"First of all," he sighed, "What do you mean reputation? You think any relationship, especially ours. It's a taint on my character? I don't want to hide anything from Armys, from anyone because I am not a coward like you!" He emphasized and sprang up from his seat moving back towards the room.

Man. He is so dead.

I was so furious, he cannot just say his part and runaway leaving behind some perplexed boys. I took off my slipper, aiming it straight at him and threw it, hitting it at the back of his head.

"Yah!" He yelled and turned around, "What do you think you are doing?"

"Just giving your head a blow to thrust some sense, you crappy mailbox," I hissed but seeing him bending down to pick up that slipper, I quickly stood up and ran in the opposite direction.

Unfortunately, for him! It did hit my back. He is so dead part two.

He stuck out his tongue mocking me. I picked it back up but before I could do anything, Jin yelled, "Are you two kids? Just come and sit here. Now."

I gave him a disgusted look but eventually sat back. He did the same.

"So, you want to put this out?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi nodded. "No no no," I interrupted, "It's not only his decision. Ask me too. What the fuck, Namjoon. Ask me."

"Do you want to put this out?" He asked me and I shook my head. I don't know what was hilarious as Jimin and Woobin were laughing.

"If you wanna divulge this, it'll cause social media to fillip," Taehyung said and added after a little pause, "Not only for you. Even Noona would have to bear the consequences. You know the level people can go."

"But, you tell them or not. Jee is living with Hyung. This will be out one day or the other," Hoseok implied.

"That's a point. Look, I don't know about anything but I don't think we should ever let our love to be thrashed in this social monopoly," Jimin said.

"Exactly Jimin. You're the best, the absolute sensible-"

"By that I meant that you guys can come out with this news, there is nothing to hide," he interrupted me.

Okay, I became over excited. he is not that sensible.

"I really don't want to say this because you've just started dating and all," Jin sighed and asked, "What if you guys break up? Have you thought the consequences it would bring to her? You can endanger her life Yoongi! She is not an idol. Hate can be too difficult to manipulate at times."

"We would never!" We both responded at the same time.

"Wait. What do you think of us guys?" Mi questioned their demeanor and I questioned hers, mentally. What I know from our friendship of years- There's a motivational speech coming.

"If you have haters, you have fans like us. We would always support you guys in your life. And I think that number would be greater than the hate. We are apt to shut our eyes against this truth that something out there can be pleasanter. Are we disposed to the number of those who having eyes, see not? And having ears, hear not?

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