The Party

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Chapter 2: The Party

Dawn's POV:

I entered my apartment building and closed the door behind me, I let out a deep sigh. Am I seriously going to a party? this is very unlike me... 'why would I say yes?' all these questioning thoughts came into my head; why this, why that, 'what was I thinking?' 'what came over me?', you get the gist.

"ugh... I can't get out of this, knowing my friends, I've already said yes, and if I cancel now... they will kick my door down..." I said while hopping in the shower; I felt disgusting.

I got out of the shower and quickly put some clothes on as I hear a knock at the door. "Just a minute!" I yelled as I headed out of the bathroom. I open the door and see all three of my friends standing there with stuff in their hands. Sharon had the clothes and Amelia had the makeup, Brittney was the judge, "are you ready?!" Sharon said as they walked into my apartment, looking around, walking around "your place is cozy" Amelia said, "not my cup of tea but I guess it's alright..." Brittney said while sitting down on the couch in the living room. I set up some furniture today, to make it a little bit presentable for them.

I tried to delay them, hoping we could be late and not go, but they saw right through me and practically pushed me into the room. We started with the outfits, they chose a Plaid Bodycon Dress With Tee (I didn't want to wear something I wouldn't be comfortable with), "your outfit looks good!" Sharon said.

Next was makeup, Brittney and Sharon waited in the living room, while Amelia did my makeup. She was so focused, "dont put too much! I dont want to get pimples tomorrow," I said while pushing my head back a little, "dont worry, I'm not, I'll give you makeup wipes, and some skincare products... just relax and don't move," Amelia said while pushing my head back to the centre. "Done!", I looked in the mirror and I was shocked... I've never looked like this.... beautiful, 'is that me?' I felt so confident and I looked and Amelia and smiled "I would give you a hug, but I dont want to smudge this makeup look".

I walked into the living room, and see Brittney and Sharon's jaws drop. "who are you and what did you do to our friend?" Sharon said while getting up, Brittney then said "yes... Dawn, you look... amazing, you should dress up often, your body is stunning". After she said that I immediately felt judged, I know they meant that nicely but it just brought back so many bad memories, I placed my hand on my opposite arm, and look down at my feet. Amelia was behind me, she came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder; she knows everything about my past good and bad. She looked at them and back at me "we should... get going" she said while looking at the time on her phone, "ah yes, we should leave, wanna get there early" Brittney said.

I start heading to the room, Amelia came with me, "where are you going?", "I'm going to go get my things", Sharon and Brittney left, they said they will wait for us in the car. Amelia followed me into the room, "are you okay?" I hear her say "yeah im fine," I said while putting my phone in my purse, "Dawn, it's me, are you sure you are okay?", I stop and look at her, "I'm fine, I dont want to bring up the past, if I do I'll start crying and I dont want to mess up my makeup," I said while continuing to put my things in my purse. She looked at me, and then put her hand on my shoulder, "I'm always here for you, you can tell me anything, if you are 100 percent sure you are good, then I'll stop asking", I look at her shoulder then her, I put my left hand on her hand and say "thank you, your a good friend Amelia, now let's get going before they yell at us" we both chuckled a bit, "yeah... are you done putting your things in your purse?" "yup, let's go," I said with a smile.

As we are walking down the stairs I get a text from Sharon, and I start laughing, "what happened?" "Sharon said 'WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? BRITTNEY IS LOSING HER SHIT... LITERALLY LOSING HER SHIT, LIKE HER THINGS FROM HER BAG SLIPPED EVERYWHERE NOW SHE IN A PISSY MOOD, HURRY UP!, oops I had it on caps'... we should be quick" Amelia nodded her head as we both started laughing.


We made it to the party and it was packed, I got nervous just by looking at this tall building with, god knows how many floors. "Where did you find this place?" I asked Amelia, she can get anything out of anyone, but she isn't that way with us, only strangers; "I just asked around and boom, I got the address and everything" Amelia said while opening the door, "you coming?", I look at myself through my phone, making sure I look good and don't embarrass myself and get out of the car. As we are walking closer and closer I see fancy cars parked outside, 'so these people that live here are rich... I hope none of them recognize me' I said while praying that none of my dad's or mom's friends/colleagues/clients' kids are here, rich people know other rich people, no matter what they do, or who they are, if they're rich, we will know them.

We walk to the room number, that the party is at, as we walk closer and closer we hear the music playing, louder and louder. We open the door and there were a lot of people, it was a huge apartment, it was practically a house. As I get inside Sharon and Brittney go get shots, I told them I don't want to drink, but I dont think they heard me over the loud music. Amelia was going to stay with me and help me meet some people, I wouldn't say I'm shy I just dont know how I'll talk to, many people here if the music is this loud... I walk a little bit further inside and scan the room, I stop as I see the most handsome guy in this whole room 'what is this feeling?' 'is this what butterflies feel like?'. He looks over at me and has no expression on his face at all while he looks me up and down, I follow his eyes as he trails my body, making me feel weak in the legs (but I don't show him). He begins to walk towards me... I feel the feeling in my stomach grow more and more, he's almost in front of me but he gets cut off by Brittney walking in front of me and handing me a shot. I look at it, look at Brittney and then at the guy, he stares at Brittney and then me, he smirks then winks and walks off. 'Who was he?' 'will I see him again?' 'what was he going to say before Brittney cut him off?' 'damn Brittney...'.

End of chapter 2.

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