The Fundraiser

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Chapter 4: The Fundraiser

Dawn's POV:

It's been a month since the party. I've been really focused on unpacking and exploring the city, I keep thinking I bump into him (Noah), but it's people that kinda look like him. For example, I went to this Cafe right outside my apartment building and I thought I saw him, but it wasn't him. 'I have no idea why I keep feeling this way over SOME guy... a guy that I just met... why do I want to bump into him so badly?' "Ugh I want him out of my head, this is ridiculous Dawn" I shake my head lightly and go back to unpacking, I put some music on to clear the air. As I am unpacking I hear a knock at my front door, I turn down my music and look through the peephole and see Amelia.

I open the door "Hey Amelia" I say with a smile on my face, "Heyyyy girlll" Amelia said while opening her arms to hug me, I hug her back and motion for her to come inside. She looks shocked (I haven't seen my friends in a month, since the party) "oh my CHEESE, your apartment looks fucking amazing! wow... seriously it looks spectacular!" I chuckled 'she says the most funniest words'. She proceeds to look at the furniture, and the decorations and touched some of the plants I put up, she then sat down on the couch. I walk over to the kitchen and start making some coffee since it's 3:30 pm and I need coffee in my system, "want some coffee?" I ask Amelia, "noo, I just had a cup, thanks though" "so... what brings you by?" "cant a friend check up on her friend, from time to time?" "yes they can, but you didn't even give me a heads up, I'm still unpacking" "you look done to me..." I scan around the apartment, "yeah, just have the washroom and the kitchen left" "Gurl, have you even been out?" "yes Amelia, I have I took a week off packing to explore the city, it's amazing" "oh kayy, so school is starting in a week are you ready? "nervous but excited and ready". Amelia stands up from the couch as I was pouring my coffee into my cup, "do you feel like going to an Aminal Shelter Fundraiser? its held at Washington Square Park" I put my coffee down, turn around with the brightest smile on my face "is that even A QUESTION?? of course, I would love to go!". I get my things and we head straight there.


As we arrive at the fundraiser, I see so many cute puppies, and dogs, some were in cages some were running around the park. I kneel down and look at this one puppy, a puppy that I've always wanted as a kid, a Golden Retriever, it was so cute and fluffy, the good thing is my apartment does allow pets, so that's awesome. I look at the name tag "Charlie" the puppy looked at me and I smiled "nice to meet you, Charlie, my name is Dawn" I put my finger in the cage, and he started licking my finger, "are you interested in adopting Charlie?" I look up at who was talking to me, and it was HIM... 'he works here?' "um, maybe" I stand up and he squints his eyes "I know you from somewhere... That's right your name is Dawn, right? from the party?" "yup that's me," I say with a small smile, "how have you been?" "good, just unpacking, my friend told me there was a fundraiser and I had to come check it out, I volunteer at animal shelter fundraisers back home, so I was wondering if maybe next time I could volunteer?" "yeah you totally could, here's the information and my phone number, if you have any questions just call or text me" I stare at the phone number 'oh wow, I got his number...' "thank you, your name is Noah?" "yep," he said with a smile, I smile back and look at Charlie, "I would like to adopt Charlie".

End of chapter 4.

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