The After Party

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Chapter 3: The After-Party

Dawn's POV:

So it's been about two hours, I've been sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, staring at the guy, talking to some girl much prettier than me. Brittney and Sharon are super drunk and hitting on guys, while Amelia and I are talking, she had a few but she's not drunk surprisingly. I still haven't had a drink, even though Brittney and Sharon have been coming every 5 minutes and handing me one.

Partys are the worst... so many people, lots of grinding, the music is so loud and more alcohol than I can count. Everyone is slurring their words. I just wanna leave... I want to relax, maybe unpack... but I've been here for two hours... I can't leave I'm the only sober one...

There was an 'After Party' it was a party after an event or concert, in this case after another party, but in a different place... I didn't want to go but my friends did, and I have to drive them there and drive them back to their places. Everyones leaving to go to the after-party, I have no idea where it is, Amelia just gave me the address and I started driving them there.

We arrived at the place, it was more packed than the other party 'oh great... more people...' I saw him enter the building with a different girl... 'why am I thinking about him so much?'. The building was 3 levels, it was a house, a typical New York house, I wonder who owns this building, it was nice and cozy, too bad it will be destroyed by all the drunk people here. All three of my friends leave to go flirt with guys... so I try to talk to people, since the music isn't that loud, I grabbed a cup and put some Pepsi in it, my lips were dry and I was craving Pepsi.

As I am pouring the drink I feel someone behind me, I sensed they were taller than me 'was it him?' my heart was racing... 'what is this feeling?' i turn around, but it wasn't him it was someone else, it was a guy, he was smirking down at me, which made me uncomfortable. He grabbed my hip and said, "want to dance?" I look up at him with a worried look on my face, because I was in the kitchen that was closed off to the rest of the house and there wasn't anyone there... so I felt very uncomfortable. I said "umm... maybe laterr... I have to go to the bathroom" he didn't let go... I felt his grip tighten... he put his drink on the counter and said "come onnn, I know you want tooo" now both his hand were gripping my waist and he was very close to me, I can smell his alcohol breath and I felt like throwing up... "I- I dont want to, please let go!" I try and push him away but he wasn't budging... I feel one hand going up and one down... I hated this... I want to go home! I see someone come in, from the corner of my eye, "let me go!" I said. I then see a hand on the guy's shoulder, pulling him back, "she said let go!" it was him. He pushed him and the guy swings a punch and he dodges it and punches him in the ribs. He looked at me and asked me if I was okay, I nodded, and thanked him, he was going to leave but I said "hey, what's your name?" he looked at me up and down 'oh there's that feeling again' "Noah" he said with a smile, "and yours?" I stuttered a bit "D-Dawn...*clears throat* Dawn" "well Dawn, nice meeting you, be careful next time" he said with a wink and then smiled, as he left.

I told my friends that I was leaving, and they kept saying no, but I told them it was late and im leaving and they should leave with me too, because they have things to do tomorrow and I dont want them here by themselves, drunk.

I dropped them off at their places and came back to my apartment, I put some comfortable clothes on, and laid down on my bed, attempting to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about *HIM* the looks he gave me, the way he defended me, his voice so deep and raspy, gave me chills, in a good way.

'Noah' Who are you?

End of chapter 3.

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