The First Day

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Chapter 5: The First Day

Dawn's POV:

I jolt up from my bed 'today's the day' I rush to the washroom and get ready, I'm just running from the washroom to my bedroom making sure I have everything. Once I'm done getting ready I start making my coffee and breakfast, "shit! great, now I got Jam all over my shirt, absolutely wonderful!" I glance at the time "nooo, I'm going to be late" I quickly put on a new shirt on get all my things and my coffee "screw you Jam! ugh," I bolt out the door, slamming it shut and start running.


I enter the building... I take it all in, 'wow, NYU is so big and beautiful!' I start walking around and then I see a group of people doing orientation, I quickly go there. Once orientation is done, I look at all the clubs that I could join, there is one that catches my eye ' Coffee Club' i chuckle and put my name on the list there are some other clubs I want to join but I dont think I would have time to do it all...

I walk into my first class 'general studies' I pick a seat and get some of my things out, once I see the teacher comes in, the room went quiet but once he starts talking I couldn't believe who I saw come through the door... 'Noah?!' I hear the teacher say "Mr...?-" "Noah Armstrong, reporting for duty sir!" he says sarcastically while saluting, 'even his last name is hot- what.. no it's not, what am I thinking?' you can hear some chuckles and giggles in the classroom, "Mr. Armstrong... why are you late? especially on the first day" "I'm only human, besides I was only 20 seconds max late... not that big of a deal if you ask me" the class was dead silent... even the teacher "... just take a seat, dont be late again okay?" "yes, sir!" he says making the teacher's jaw clench, while some students are chuckling. He starts walking, trying to find a seat his eyes are searching... for someone, but then they lock with mine, I give him a soft smile and a little wave 'i doubt he remembers me...' but to my surprise, he gives me a small smirk and winks at me... 'did... did he just wink at me? why am I so affected by that??' i feel my face heat up. and I look away from him and back at the teacher, I see him in the corner of my eye 'he better not sit next to me (there is a seat open next to me)' he goes to the row behind me and sits next to someone he knows.


Once the class is over, I pack my things and start heading down the stairs, I feel 2 taps on my shoulder, I stop and look behind me 'it's him...' he opens his mouth but I interrupt him "those were some pretty bold things you said today" I say with a little chuckle at the end, Noah scratches the back of his head and replies "yeah... sometimes I get sick and tired of teachers bossing me are just because I'm a pretty boy" "oh you think you're pretty?" I say with a little giggle, his friend behind him slightly covers his mouth and lets out a laugh followed by an "ouch burn aha" Noah nudges his friend a bit with his elbow a bit "anyways um... are you free anytime this week?" my face suddenly turns into shock, and he noticed because he gave me a little smirk "uh what for? you need help with homework already?" "ha, very funny, no" he says with a playful eye-roll "I wanted to maybe get coffee with you, if that's okay" "um.. sure, I believe I have your number so, ill check my schedule and text you, "roger that Dawn!" he salutes and then continues to walk down the stairs 'what the heck, just happened? did Noah Armstrong just ask me on a date? no way'.


When I got home, I looked at my calendar on my phone, 'Friday should be good right?' I click Noah's contact info and I text him "Hey Noah, It's Dawn I don't know if you remember me but I thought about your offer, is Friday okay for you?" 'aaannddd sent' I reread the message to see if there were any misspells, and there aren't any, I'm just waiting for a reply back... once I put my phone down I hear a *Ding* I grab my phone... 'oh it's just Amelia, I read the text and it reads; 'Hey girl! do you wanna go out tonight? There's a partyy, Sharon and Brittney can't make it surprisingly, and I don't wanna go alone so can you please come with me??' as I reply to her I get another message notification 'Noah Armstrong💪🏼' I click on his name, "uh... who is this?" I instantly feel stupid for believing a guy would ever want to go on a date with me, *Ding* 'ugh what does he want now?' 'I'm just kidding, Hey Dawn, Friday is perfect, which coffee shop? and what time?' I think for a second 'how about the one next to my house? yeah easier to get there' "how about 3 pm at Caffe Reggio?" 'sounds perfect, see you in class tomorrow 😉' "see ya!" I catch myself with a huge smile on my face 'why am I so happy/relieved? it's just a hango-' *Ding* 'oh shit... Amelia, I left her on read' 'Girl I know you did not just leave me on read, now you HAVE to come with me' "ugh... okay, okay fineee, ill come with you 😒" 'yay! make sure to wear something *sexy* 💃🏻 I'll pick you up in 30mins' "🙄😒".


' another party? ugh...' I'm just waiting for Amelia to text me... I'm just wearing a simple black tight dress with my shoulders showing full sleeves, I don't have many "sexy" clothes but this will do, my hair is out, and I have mascara on. I finally get a notification from Amelia 'im outside, girl I swear, if you're wearing a baggy outfit 😤' "im coming 🙃". I get inside her car, it's very luxurious its a BMW M8 Gran Coupe it's honestly amazing! kinda want a car like this but ill stick to walking/transit for now, "damn okay! glad you taking some fashion tips from us!" I roll my eyes "can we just get this over with? its 7 pm and I have school tomorrow, also you better not drink! you need to drop me off and we have to-" "okay mom, are you done now? dont worry, relax have some fun okay? I sigh, and think about my last party 'yeah... fun...'

End of chapter 5.

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