Part I

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1.physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.

2.a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body: a back pain


1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

Will didn’t know either. He had never felt such agony before, nor had he felt such an emotion to bond him to someone. And she was just an average girl, nothing special. But to him, she would become the most beautiful person on the face of this earth. This is their struggle along the road of suffering and the rough walk to recovery.

"This whole summer thing, it's getting kind of old.." Will sighed as him and his friend Victor sat on his drive way in lawn chairs, drinking the last of Will's stash of Coke, "It's really weird, I'm actually EXCITED for school to start. Like, I'm itching to get there."

"There's somethin' wrong witch you man, because I could take this all year." Victor laughed as he leaned up, setting his feet up on the cooler. They sat and watched as the cars drove by lazily, the summer's blaze slowing everything down to a miserably speed.

"We've only got like-- 4 days left until we start the ol' high school gig again for the last time. THAT'S what I'm excited for. Senior year baby!" Vic cheered. Will chuckled, lifting his Coke up in the air for a toast.

"To senior year," he smiled.

"Hellll yeaaaah!" Victor slammed his can against Will's with a crunch. The sky began to change from a bright baby blue to a light pink and red, splashing shots of sunlight across the purple clouds. The air began to cool, leaving a nice breeze to brush across their moist skin. Victor took out his phone, suddenly jumping out of his seat.

"Aw shit man I gotta go." He headed towards his car, "I was supposed to drop my sister off at the airport like, half hour ago. Man, I'm gonna get my ass kicked when I get home man..."

"I'll see ya' later dude. See you at school." Will waved him go as Victor barely made it into his car before he sped off.

Will stayed outside a bit longer, watching the sky with awe. He couldn't really admit it to anyone, but he found the sunsets to be mysteriously beautiful. They were different every day, yet still held that bright gold, pink and purple shades of color that painted across the horizon. He wondered what this year at school was going to be like. Him and Kate were through, which he could have been cheering for joy to finally get rid of her, and he was pumped to be going into senior year single. No baggage for college, just ready to enjoy his last year at Smith High school. It was going to be sweet. And yet, in the back of his mind, something twitched, telling him there was going to be something special. He could put his finger on it, no matter how hard he sat and thought as the stars began to twinkle above him; a soothing silence filled his surroundings. Little did he know, he was under the same sky, idolizing the same beauty as someone, only the eyes that looked up to the sky were filled with tears and begging for an answer.

"Please..please make this stop." She silently pleaded as she sat under a blanket in her backyard. Her parents were inside, and she didn't want to trouble them again with her tears. A sting sliced through her face as she buried her face into her knees. "I'm not this strong..." she whispered, just loud enough for herself and God to hear her, "I can't handle this any longer. I really-" another knife blade cut under her left cheek bone as she paused, catching her breath as she felt her whole body tense from the pain, "I really need this to stop. It's my senior year of high school. I want to enjoy it, REMEMBER it without being doped up on medication. Please please please please PLEASE make it stop..." She cried as she balled her fists up. "128 days."

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