Part VII

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He watched her walk to the driver’s side of the car, when she suddenly looked back at him. There was something about her expression, something that told him she was hopeful, which made him internally panic.

Why did I just say that?! You moron! Now it seems like I like her!

Do I like her….?

Will began to think as he walked to the passenger’s side of the car, keeping his mouth shut. For how many things had escaped his thought process and come out, he believed it might be better for him to stay silent rather than strike up a conversation. She looked at him as she buckled her seat belt, not noticing his chilled expression.

“Now that we’re back in the car, we can listen to my favorite Josh Groban song!” She giggled as she giddily pressed the power button on the radio. Will curled up towards the door defensively, trying to contain all the rushing thoughts that were beginning to overflow in his mind.

She has something wrong with her. There is going to be a lot to deal with. And who wants a girl who is a lot to handle? I sure as hell don’t. I mean, look at her!

He quickly glanced at her as she started the car. A couple strands of hair fell infront of her face as she backed up.

“Ppffffff.” She puffed it out of her face, curling it around her ear. She saw him looking at her as she smiled sweetly, a shot of nervousness ran through her.

He found that he couldn’t get his eyes off of her, her smile genuine and her mannerisms captivated him. He wanted to just watch her, memorize her movements. He found himself longing to be with her.

This is NOT RIGHT. His mind was blaring as he retracted her eyes away from him.

“This song is my all-time favorite song,” She said as she began to drive, “I’m not quite sure why….well, I do actually know why,” She spoke with ease, “I think it’s because I would love for someone to tell me that. You know, because every girl wants to be told that they are beautiful.”

Will didn’t say anything, trying to keep her out of his head. He could feel her sugary-sweetness seeping into his brain, and he tried to keep his defensive wall around him.

In vain he struggled within his own mind, it was as though she already danced around in his mind, like an internal demon that was torturing him. Over exaggerating, of course, his mind imagined shoving her off a cliff as she danced infront of him. But, to his surprise, even in his imagination he couldn’t get rid of her. She floated in the air, gracefully floating as she turned and smiled mischievously at him.  Will quickly shook his head to get the image out.

“But anyways, I feel like Josh Groban says what every guy can’t. Guys don’t have the balls to open their mouth and say what they’re feeling. It’s so dumb…” Her voice faded as the song started.

A soft piano music started as it began to grow, with the soft voice of Josh Groban pouring his soul out.

“She stares through my shadow, she sees something more. Believes there's a light in me; She is sure. And her truth makes me stronger. Does she realize I awake every morning with her strength by my side?”

Strength? Will paused as he thought about that. Her strength was obvious, and she was still going, even after the clock of doom was ticking. She had unmeasurable strength. And yet, could he receive some of her strength? A secret thrill ran through him as he thought about how he could be the one to be by her side, share her strength and experience her truth.

Will closed his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose with his fingers. Josh Groban does sing what guys will never say.

“I am not a hero, I am not an angel. I am just a man; Man who's trying to love her unlike any other. In her eyes I am.”

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